Crimson Born - Amy Patrick Page 0,54

I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. Would you mind rubbing it for a minute?”

Our shadows danced on the wall in the firelight, though both of us were standing unnaturally still.

I wasn’t sure about Reece, but I was literally holding my breath.

When he spoke, I could tell he hadn’t been breathing well either. “I think that’s a bit... beyond the scope of my bodyguard duties.”

Still facing away from him, I gave it one last shot. “The Bloodbound are supposedly willing to die for their queen—and her daughter. Is a teensy little shoulder rub really that much to ask?”

After a few more moments of stillness, his shadow moved in halting steps toward mine. The two shadows melted into each other, and I felt his hands on my exposed skin.

Though I’d lied about the kink in my neck, the massage actually felt amazing. It was the first one I’d ever had.

Amish people didn’t indulge in expensive spa treatments or even bubble baths for relaxation, but suddenly I understood the allure.

Although, I wouldn’t call this experience exactly “relaxing.” Every cell in my body was wide awake and reacting to Reece’s touch.

It seemed to be affecting him too. As his fingers kneaded the muscles in my shoulder then moved up to my neck, I could hear his breathing accelerate and feel its hot, shallow strikes on my nape.

It’s working. I think.

Was this the time to turn around and kiss him? I had zero experience, but it seemed like all the signs were there.

Moving very slowly, I shifted to face Reece. His eyes met mine then dropped to my lips. There was definitely heat in them that had nothing to do with the nearby fireplace. His breaths fell on my lips too, teasing them to part.

Charged with a peculiar sort of energy I’d never felt before, I looked up at him and willed him to dip his head and press his mouth to mine. My heart hammered as his face lowered toward me.

And then he was gone.

He stood on the other side of the room near the door, breathing hard. His eyes blazed with a look that was halfway between danger and desire. His hands clenched, and his fangs were fully extended.

“No more backrubs,” he said in a voice that sounded like it was on the verge of pain.

I took a step toward him. “But why? Reece, it’s okay. You’re not—”

“I’m sorry, Abbi. I don’t... feel that way about you.”

He spun and left the room, closing the door firmly behind him.

All the pent-up energy left my body, and I sagged in sudden exhaustion.


The Maze

Over the next few days, Reece kept his distance, claiming his final few Bloodbound trials would require all his time and attention.

I don’t feel that way about you.

The words lived in my head, playing in an endless loop whenever I wasn’t actively engaged in conversation with someone. Every time I relived his rejection, it released a fresh flow of pain.

What kind of fool kept pursuing a guy who wasn’t interested in her?

I almost went to Kannon and asked him to assign me a new bodyguard, but then I saw the Bloodbound at another of Imogen’s full-community gatherings in the Grand Dome.

No one was executed this time—thank God—but it was still a nerve-wracking experience.

My gaze went to Reece again and again. And every time it did, he was watching me.

After the event, as I was chatting with Nolan, one of the newer vampires who’d been in my self-defense class, Reece appeared at my side.

“Princess,” he said with a curt nod. “My testing is complete, and I’m available to escort you on your nightly walk now.”

“Oh really?” I said, shocked. “I wasn’t planning to take a walk this evening.”

There were only two more nights until the Inception Ceremony. Tomorrow night, on the ceremony’s eve, there would be a ball in celebration. I’d been planning to spend tonight being fitted for a gown.

But something in Reece’s eyes made me reconsider. It was a sense of... what? Urgency?


Was there still a chance for us? A chance I could convince him not to take the Bloodbound vows?

Was he finally ready to level with me and tell me what he was thinking and feeling?

“I have some things to take care of, but I have been wanting to explore the garden maze.” I smiled at my companion and then at Reece. “I’ll meet you at the cavern entrance in an hour.”

I rushed through the fitting, no doubt annoying the seamstress, and growing more hopeful by the minute.

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