Crimson Born - Amy Patrick Page 0,44

handful of empty peanut shells.

“I’ve got to get back to my brothers.”



It had to be Imogen.

She was the one who’d recruited Reece into the Bloodbound—I knew it. She was punishing me for my “disobedience” by forcing Reece into a life of servitude and celibacy.

But how? What had she promised him to make him do such an about-face?

What had she threatened?

There was only one way to find out. I went to her chambers unannounced and banged on the heavy wooden door.

There was no answer, so I pounded on it a second time.

A Bloodbound guard opened it. He was shirtless. And sweating.

His pants were slung low on his hips as if he’d pulled them on hurriedly.

“Oh... I...” My cheeks went up in flames.

Stumbling back a few steps, I looked past the guard through the open doorway. Imogen was stretched across her large, luxurious looking bed with a sheet draped over her body. She propped herself on one elbow and gave me a knowing smile.

“Do come in dear. It must be important for you to arrive unannounced and uninvited.”

“No... I... I’ll come back later. I’m sorry to disturb you.”

She sat up, tucking the sheet around herself before sliding off the bed. “Don’t be silly. Stay.”

Sauntering toward us, she stopped just beside the shirtless guard and ran her long nails down his arm, scoring the skin with raised red welts.

He didn’t flinch, but I did.

In an overly solicitous tone, Imogen said, “You’re not disturbing me. You’re my daughter. I’m always available to attend to family.”

Then she gave the guard a shove, pushing him through the doorway. “Leave us. But come back later. I’m not finished with you.”

Without a word he walked barefoot down the stone corridor and rounded a corner out of sight.

I was frozen in place as an alarming idea struck me. Were the Bloodbound more than just protectors of the Bastion and Imogen’s loyal soldiers?

When I thought about it, Kannon hadn’t said their vows included celibacy specifically. He’d said they were forbidden to take a mate. Those two were not necessarily the same thing.

Many of the vampires here had mated up—permanent partners for eternity. Others, like Heather, played the field.

As strong and attractive as they all were, the Bloodbound were a frequent topic of conversation for the single girls here—some of my friends even flirted with them—but everyone knew they were off limits.

Apparently they were off limits to everyone but Imogen.

“Well don’t just stand there,” she said. “Come in and close the door. It’s obvious you have something to say.”

The self-satisfied look she gave me just then told me all I needed to know.

Yes, she had conscripted Reece into the Bloodbound to punish me—but she also wanted him for herself.

“I know why you did it... but why did he?” I demanded. “What did you promise him?”

I didn’t have to explain who him was.

“It’s a great honor to be selected as a Bloodbound candidate. Why would he not want that?”

“Because he wanted to leave. Not three hours ago he told me so. Then the next time I see him—shortly after I told you I wouldn’t turn that human—he’s wearing the Bloodbound uniform. Dr. Coppa said you visited Reece in the clinic. I want to know what you offered him to make him change his mind so quickly.”

With a smirk, she lowered her gaze to her sheet-clad figure, inviting me to do the same.

She was beautiful to be sure and appeared no older than her early thirties. But she was much, much older, and Reece was just a young guy. It was gross.

And he was mine.

I wasn’t sure exactly when it had happened, but sometime during the past few weeks I’d definitely developed possessive feelings for him.

A vivid mental picture popped into my mind—opening the door and seeing Reece inside Imogen’s chambers, half-dressed.

It made me want to vomit, though I wasn’t sure vampires were even capable of that.

“I want you to release him,” I said in a firm voice.

“He’s not a prisoner. He made his own choice, and he can leave anytime he wishes to—up until he takes the sacred vows. He hasn’t done so yet.”

“He said he’s made a commitment. He meant to you, didn’t he? He made some kind of deal with you. Well, whatever it was, I know he didn’t want this. He wanted freedom. Tell him you release him.”

“Or what? You’ll leave?” Her tone taunted me like a kid in a schoolyard. “I don’t care. Go, if that’s what you want. But you’ll be leaving alone.”

“We’ll see about that,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024