Cress (The Lunar Chronicles #3) - Marissa Meyer Page 0,149

would have time. He’d believed there would be years, after Selene was crowned and Levana was gone. Years to tell her the truth. To embrace her. To tell her how much he loved her. To apologize again and again for ever letting her go.

He stared down at the bruise-like rash. Only a single bruise so far. It wasn’t spreading, at least not on his arms. But his analytical brain, having seen this same rash on the wrists of so many victims, had already set a timer ticking.

He was going to die.

The module dinged, making him jump.


He shut his eyes in relief.

“How’s everything going over there, Doctor?”

He cleared his throat. “I’ve … I’ve determined it would be best to let the stem cell solution sit for a few hours. You can apply the drops when you’re back on the ship.” He picked up a stylus and began to type a message into the portscreen. “I’ll put the instructions on this portscreen. Just in case.”

“Instructions for who?”

His gut twisted as he wrote. “I won’t be returning with you.”

There was silence, punctuated by the tapping of the stylus and his own breaths, suddenly labored.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m too old. I’ll just slow you down. When the others arrive, I want you to go on without me.”

“Don’t be stupid. We have a plan. We’re sticking to it.”

“No. You’ll be leaving me behind.”

“Why? So Levana can get her hands on you and torture you for information? Great idea.”

“She won’t have time to torture me. I’m already dying.”

The words pinched something inside him and suddenly his spectacles were steaming up. There wasn’t time. After all these years, there was never enough time.

“What are you talking about?”

He didn’t respond until he’d finished typing into the portscreen. Shoving the stylus behind his ear, he walked over to the door and peered through the small window into the laboratory corridor.

Outside, dozens of guards had crowded into the hallway, stretching out in each direction with their guns raised.

“All is indeed going according to plan,” he muttered.

A hand landed on his shoulder and he pulled away so fast he nearly collapsed into the counter. “Don’t touch me.”

“What is going on?” said Thorne, growing impatient.

Ducking around him, Dr. Erland paced to the other end of the room. “There is a quarantine room attached to this lab facility. I’ll be quarantining myself. Don’t worry—no one will dare come in to question me.” He removed his spectacles and rubbed the lenses on his shirt. “I’ve just diagnosed myself with letumosis.”

Thorne launched himself away as if he’d been burned, planting his back against the wall so that there couldn’t have been any more space between them. Cursing, he wiped the palm that had touched the doctor on his pants.

“Don’t worry. Your results are negative. There is a very slim chance that you’ve caught it in the last two minutes.” He slid his spectacles back on. “Your stem cell solution is on the counter to your left, wrapped in a cloth. There is a portscreen beside it. Give them to Cress—she can help you.” His voice clogged and he felt for the keypad. The code hadn’t changed since he’d left.

As he pulled open the door, the lights in the quarantine flickered on. The window that divided the room was one-way, so that the patients couldn’t see the technicians while they were running tests.

He had never been on that side of the glass before.

“Carswell Thorne?”

Glancing back, he saw that Thorne was still plastered against the wall, but the fear had left his expression, replaced with determination, and sympathy. “Yes?”

“Thank you. For keeping her safe in the desert.” He knit his brows. “Although you still don’t deserve her.”

Before Thorne could respond, Dr. Erland stepped into the quarantine and shut himself in. His captivity was instant, airtight and suffocating and final.


She was glad that Wolf seemed to have memorized the palace blueprint better than she had, because with all this running up and down stairwells, around corners, and down countless corridors, Cress was completely lost. Wolf, however, hadn’t shown a moment’s hesitation as they ran down the abandoned halls.

“Perfect timing,” Wolf muttered under his breath as they swung around another corner. He grabbed Cress’s elbow and yanked her back before she could collide with Cinder and Iko and the unconscious man hanging between them.

“Well, hello there, strangers,” said Iko.

Wolf nodded, first at Cinder, then the unconscious emperor. “I thought that might be his cologne. Need help?”

Neither Cinder nor Iko objected when he stooped down and swung Copyright 2016 - 2024