Crescent Wolves - G. Bailey Page 0,47

knocked twice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I rush to the door, pulling it open, and Hunter walks in first, followed by Shade. They both look strange to me in normal clothes, but oh so sexy. Hunter looks almost not real like I'm staring at a man in a magazine with deep red hair and pale skin. His flawless looks are only made stronger by his casual grey t-shirt and jeans. Shade has a leather jacket on over a black t-shirt and it is tucked into dark trousers. He looks like a bad boy dream and I have to clear my throat as I look away. Silas is at late training tonight but he plans to get to the party later and Landon can't come because he has detention for not attending class earlier this week as he didn't feel like going.

"Do you have the powder?" Hazel asks Shade. He nods, pulling out four tiny bags of yellow powder.

"What is that stuff?" I ask them, stepping closer.

"Travel powder made by witches and sirens. You pour it into a bottle of water and drink a tiny bit, thinking about where you want to go. It's nice and easy," Hazel explains to me.

"But I don't know where we are going," I point out.

"I will travel with her," Shade announces and Hazel rolls her eyes.

"No fucking way," Hunter grumbles.

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"Traveling together means you need to kiss after drinking the water. I'm all for it," Shade suggests with a cheeky grin. Hunter glares at him, and he turns to glare right back. If we aren't careful, this is going to turn into a fight in no time.

"Wanna do something about it, vampire prince?" Shade taunts.

"Oh for heaven's sake!" Hazel grumbles. I turn to her as she drinks glowing white water from a bottle and drops it on the floor. She walks to me and pulls me to her, kissing me once. The world spins and I gasp as I fall on my ass onto grass, staring at the garden we are in. Behind me is a giant pool full of teenagers and dozens of seats.

"You kissed me," I point out as Hazel pulls me to my feet.

"Shut them up, didn't it?" she shrugs. "Stops them from fighting in my room. It didn't mean anything."

"Okay," I say just as Shade appears, followed by Hunter. Both of them glare at Hazel like the enemy, and I chuckle as I walk around them. The party is being held in an abandoned house and I can't stop staring in awe at the building. It's falling apart, sure, but some kind of magic is holding parts of the roof and walls together, making see through rooms almost.

"Oh, no, you aren't welcome here," Amelia states, stopping right in front of me. Dressed in a near to nothing black dress, she looks amazing but I'm not going to tell her that. She crosses her arms, a sneer on her lips. "Leave."

"Honestly? Make me," I suggest, standing up to her.

"Woah," Hazel mutters and the guys all but laugh even as Hunter moves to my side.

Amelia's eyes widen as Hunter wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Better yet, make me leave, sis," Hunter suggests. "I've warned you once when it comes to Millie. Don't make me say it twice."

"Why her?" Amelia all but shouts. "She is a hybrid and this will get you in trouble with dad."

"Really that has nothing to do with you," I say. "Hunter can choose his own friends."

"Yeah, you seem to like to collect friends you kiss, huh, Boots?" Amelia sneers and my cheeks redden. "No wonder all the guys like you. You seem easy if the rumours are true."

"That's it," Hunter growls and grabs his sister’s arm with impressive strength. We all watch as he drags her away and they both argue the entire time.

"I've never seen Hunter stand up to anyone," Shade comments, crossing his thick arms. "And what Amelia said is bullshit. She is just jealous."

"Totally," Hazel agrees. "Now let's go and dance, drink and be normal-ish teenagers for the night."

"Good plan," Shade agrees, taking my hand and making me walk fast with him into the house. The inside is crazy, all multiple levels of magic floors and a floating dance floor in the middle of the room. Heavy music makes it impossible to hear anything Shade says, but I get the gist when we get to the edge of the floating floor. He jumps on and pulls me up with him before wrapping Copyright 2016 - 2024