Crescent Wolves - G. Bailey Page 0,44

you are up early? I know why we three are."

"Early morning flight training," he tells me. His third cup of coffee is empty now and normal Silas is here. "It's an advanced year class, but the professor wants me to learn with the higher-ups."

"Congrats man," Landon pats his shoulder. "So, girls, we should get a move on. We have ten minutes to get to class."

We all gather up our things and get a move on to the classroom because none of us wants to be late to Mrs Leggers class. I'm intrigued by what goes on in the siren class other than reading books, which is all we have done in the lessons up to this point. I know pretty much all the history of the Siren's now. How they were created by turning seals into humans, but the magic got stuck in their souls and bred a whole new race. Sirens are faster than any creature in the water, and they can breathe underwater.

And sing. Their songs are meant to be the most enchanting sound in the entire world if they use their magic in their songs.

Landon chats to Hazel about some party coming up, but I pretty much tune them out as I try not to be nervous about whatever today holds. As much as I want to learn what clan I really belong to, at the moment it feels like I am just hovering between all the clans and never really finding a home.

At some point, we get to the classroom and I walk in first to see the room is full of students on the one side. This room is newer than most of the academy and almost shaped like a giant dome. The one side has pure glass walls, with views over the fields and trees in the distance. Right in front of the glass is Mrs Leggers and Mr Hawthorne, both of them talking quietly and not looking away from each other. Hushed whispers fill my ears as I find three empty seats and Hazel and Landon sit to either side of me.

Landon's knee presses against mine and I turn to him."You okay?" he quietly asks. "You look lost."

"Out of place, I guess," I softly admit.

He takes my hand, surprising me a little. "We all feel that way in our little group, but you aren't out of place with me. Not one little bit."

I link my fingers with his as the room quiets down, and Mr Hawthorne claps a few times.

"Welcome young members of the Siren Clan. We are delighted you could join us here for the day," he starts off. "We have a very special visitor here today who will spend the day teaching you many new things about the world of Sirens."

Mr Hawkthorne claps his hands, and so do all the students as a red-haired woman walks to his side. Her long red hair falls in waves down her back, like a river of red curls, and she wears a skintight costume of some sort. It's thin, almost leather-like in texture and covers her from her neck downwards, showing off way too much.

"Hello everyone. My name is Crystal, and I am a leader of the sirens in the Great Council. I am proud to be here today to show you what you can become if you truly try," she tells us, and I look to Landon. His jaw ticks and his hand tightens on mine. "Have any of you heard a siren's song?"

Resounding no's come from the crowd, and Landon finally looks down at me.

"She is testing you. There is no way this is random," he tells me. "You need to pass whatever test they are going to do."

"How?" I whisper back, but Landon doesn't seem to have an answer.

"This isn't good," Hazel tells me, looking worried. "You're not all siren. The siren's song hurts other races, it can even kill them."


I go to stand up, but Landon pulls me down, holding me to his side. "I got you."

Before I have a chance to ask what he means, Crystal lets out a tune like nothing I have ever heard. I turn to her as her skin changes from normal to beautiful blue scales and her red hair changes to pure silver. Every word that leaves her mouth is seductive until suddenly it isn't anymore.

My mouth opens in a silent scream as every part of my body feels like it's being stabbed. Suddenly Landon cups my face and brings my lips to his. Copyright 2016 - 2024