Crescent Wolves - G. Bailey Page 0,34

into a human, her red hair mussed and her uniform covered in dirt. “Self-defense is another matter,” the professor says. “She can’t be blamed for protecting herself.”

Landon snorts. “Sure you’d say that if her dad wasn’t a leader? If she wasn’t a princess of the shifter world?”

“Watch your attitude, Mr. Thyme,” snaps Professor Drysdale. “And as a matter of fact, this has nothing to do with nepotism.” He glances at Hunter. “You were involved, too, Mr. Ash.”

Hunter’s eyes go wide. “Wait a minute, I didn’t even--”

“Brawling,” replies the professor. “Prince or not, we do not accept this behavior at the academy.”

“That’s not fair,” Amelia says, getting to her feet. “My brother was trying to protect me from these guys! He shouldn’t be punished for…”

Professor Drysdale shoots her a withering look--enough to, miraculously, make her shut up. He crosses his arms, looking between me, Landon, Hunter, and Silas. I have no idea what’s coming, but I can already tell it won’t be good. “For brawling on campus and unsupervised transformation,” he says, “I want to see all four of you after class tonight. In detention.”

Chapter 14



Just for the record, I've never been sent to detention in my life. In spite of the fact that my social life has been nearly nonexistent at every school I've attended, and the fact that I'm lousy at almost every subject, the one thing I've always had going for me is a spotless record. Until now, I guess.

The rest of the day feels like it slogs on ad infinitum. I do my best to pay attention during my next batch of classes, but between what happened during lunch hour and my inability to transform for the teachers' exercises, none of them goes decidedly well. To make things worse, I feel like the other students are looking at me more, leaning in to make whispered comments to one another and staring at me with cautious expressions. I can't tell if it's because they heard about the fight, or because by now they probably all know just how strange I look when I transform, but I know I'm not just being paranoid. First, I had to watch Amelia strut away without getting punished, and now it seems like the student body has been turned against me.

I don't know anybody in my witch shifting class, although I do learn that the shockwave I unleashed during lunch break is a witch power, a spell that can only be cast in full or partial witch form. I guess that's progress… if only I could actually make it happen consciously. After that is my dragon class, with Silas on the other side of the room, although aside from a shared glance when we arrive, we don't interact. Nobody in my wolf shifting class looks familiar either, and by the time the last period arrives, all I really want to do is go back to my room and sleep the day away.

Unfortunately, that's not meant to be. As I drag myself out of the lecture hall where I've spent the past hour listening to an old woman explain shifter etiquette to a group of bored-looking students, I can see the others heading out for free time. Dinner isn't for another three hours, all of which I'll be spending in the detention hall.

At least the others will be there, too, I think as I make my way to the ground floor and down a winding hallway that leads to the older offices. The detention hall is a stuffy room that doesn't get the same light as the other classrooms, a faculty member slouches at a desk in the front, dozing. Silas has taken a desk near the window, while Landon sits near the front, making a paper airplane. Hunter has, as per usual, claimed the desk in the far corner of the room, and next to him sits a blond guy who looks oddly familiar.

We seem to be the only five people here. I give a resigned sigh and move to one of the desks in the middle of the room, prepared to ride out my punishment in silence. That's when a voice from behind me pipes up, "You're Millie Brix, aren't you?"

I turn around to see the familiar-looking guy staring at me, a grin on his face. His voice is what makes it finally click. "Yeah," I reply. "You're the guy who came to Mrs. Fairbanks' office yesterday, aren't you?"

"One and the same," the guy replies, putting his feet up on the desk.

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