Cradle - By Arthur C. Clarke Page 0,177

the seed packages.

Winters was studying the trident. 'And what's the significance of this thing?' he said. 'You guys have taken enough photographs of it.'

Nick was doing some calculations. If I am delayed here very long, then Carol and Troy will undoubtedly leave the ship. And the aliens will launch. He took a deep breath. My only chance is the truth.

'Commander Winters,' Nick began, 'please listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. It will sound fantastic, even preposterous, but it's all true. And if you will come with me, I can prove everything to you. The fate of the human race may well depend on what we do in the next five minutes.' He paused to organize his ideas.

For some reason Winters thought about the ridiculous carrot story that Todd had told him. But the earnestness he was seeing in Nick's face persuaded him to continue to pay attention. 'Go ahead, Williams,' he said.

'Carol Dawson and Troy Jefferson are right now onboard a super-advanced extraterrestrial spaceship that is directly under this boat. The alien vehicle is traveling from planet to planet depositing packages of embryonic beings that are genetically designed to survive on a particular planet. That golden thing in your hand is, in a sense, a cradle for creatures that may later flourish on the Earth. I must return it to the aliens before they leave or our descendants may not survive.'

Commander Winters looked at Nick as if he had lost his mind. The commander started to say something. 'No,' Nick interrupted. 'Hear me out. The spacecraft also stopped here because it needed some repairs. At one time we thought it might have found your missile. That's partially how we got involved in the first place. We didn't know about the creatures in the cradle. So we were trying to help. One of the things the aliens needed for their repairs was gold. You see, they only had three days — '

'Jesus K. Christ!' Winters shouted at Nick. 'Do you really expect me to believe this crap? This is the looniest, most farfetched story I have ever heard in my entire life. You're nuts. Cradles, aliens who need gold for repairs ... I suppose next you'll be telling me that they are six feet tall and look like carrots — ' 'And have four vertical slits in their faces?' Nick added.

Winters glanced around. 'You told him?' he said to Lieutenant Ramirez. Ramirez shook his head back and forth.

'No,' Nick continued abruptly as the commander looked completely confused. 'The carrot thing wasn't an alien, at least not one of the superaliens who made the ship. The carrot was a holographic projection ...'

The perplexed Commander Winters waved his hands. ' I'm not listening to any more of this nonsense, Williams. At least not here. What I want to know is what you and your friends know about the location of the missile. Now will you come with us over to our boat of your own free will, or do we have to tie you up?'

At that moment, six feet above them, a ten-legged, black, spiderlike creature with a body about four inches in diameter walked unnoticed to the edge of the canopy. It extended three antennae in their direction and then leaped off the side, landing on the back of Lieutenant Ramirez' neck. 'Aieee,' screamed the lieutenant during the pause in the conversation. He fell down on his knees behind Nick and grasped at the black thing that was trying to take a sample chunk out of his neck. For a second nobody moved. Then Nick grabbed a large pair of pliers from the counter and thwacked the black thing once, twice, and even a third time before it released its grip on Ramirez' neck.

All four men watched it fall to the deck, scuttle rapidly over to the cradle that Commander Winters had put down so that he could assist Ramirez, shrink its size by a factor of ten, and disappear into the cradle through the soft gooey opening on the top of the sphere. Within seconds the goo hardened and all the external surfaces of the cradle were again rigid.

Winters was flabbergasted. Ramirez crossed himself. The seaman looked as if he were about to faint. 'I swear to you that my story is true, Commander,' Nick said calmly. 'All you have to do is come down with me and see for yourself. I left my diving gear down there so that I could hurry up here to retrieve this Copyright 2016 - 2024