Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,80

trying to get to me, to help.

“Percy, stop. You said you would follow my plan. I want Coyote,” Genny complained. “This isn’t how we worked it out.”

Percy snorted, shaking his head. He didn’t look away from me when he said to her, “You’re just as stupid as this one.” My head moved back when he pressed the gun harder against me.

“Stop,” Genny screamed. At least I knew she wouldn’t harm what she thought was hers. I had a chance to take control here, and I would use it.

I had to.

Percy smiled. The alcohol in his breath washed over me. “I won’t.”

Cody roared.

It was now or never.

Flashing my arm up and to the side, I knocked Percy’s arm away. The front window exploded, and I faltered at the loud noise and rush of movement. Glass flew everywhere. Genny screamed and ducked behind Cody as someone rolled into the room. Percy turned and aimed. Talon stood before his son, gun in hand.

“Drop your gun,” Talon barked.

A shot fired.


It coated Talon’s stomach.

I screamed and tackled Percy to the ground with my hand around his over the gun. A weapon I didn’t know how to use but would try to if it came down to it. “No, no, no,” I chanted, over and over.

Out the corner of my eye, I watched as Talon stumbled to the side. The gun in his hand shook and dropped to the floor. His hands went over the wound… and it was then I saw behind him.

I saw it.

More red.

More blood.

On Cody.

His chest.

I bellowed in Percy’s face, my throat stinging from the volume. We fought for control of the gun. It wasn’t time for emotions. I steeled my walls more as I elbowed him in the face, his grip loosening.

I took the gun, aimed, and said, “We could have sorted through this. We could have—”

“Just shoot, girly. Shoot, or I’m going to keep coming for you and your people.”

No. I couldn’t let that happen. Rage spread through me. The need to protect strengthened my hold on the gun as I stared down at the man who’d made many years of my life hell.

He wouldn’t do it again.

I wouldn’t allow it.

I fired.

The fight in Percy fell away.

His eyes stared up with no life left in them. I gagged but shook my head. I’d had to do it. I had to. He’d hurt Cody and Talon. There was no other way.

A high-pitched cry sounded. I turned to see Genny behind Cody with a knife raised.

“Channa go, get help,” Cody begged, his anguished eyes on his still father.

Genny shook her head. “No one will have him.”

But she wouldn’t because he was mine and no one would take him away from me. No one would wreck my life again. I had control, and I would use it.

I aimed. I didn’t think. I shot. Her mouth gaped, her eyes widened before she blinked and glanced down to the blood coating her chest. She stumbled back but tried to reach out for Cody. Her fingers grazed his shoulder before she dropped to the floor behind him.

I dropped my arm to my side. My head felt heavy, along with my heart. My chest rose and fell rapidly. I’d shot two people. One I knew for certain was dead. The other…. I whimpered, but then sucked in a deep breath and forced my walls to harden once more because I had things to do. I still had to be strong.

For Cody and Talon.

Chapter Twenty-One


Channa, angel, come untie me,” I said, and my fierce woman raced over to me. I heard her sharp intake of breath when she saw Genny’s body sprawled on the floor behind me. Channa made a noise in the back of her throat. She needed a moment, needed time to adjust to what she’d done, but I couldn’t give it to her yet.

Not when Dad was lying on the floor, struggling with each breath.

He was pale, too pale.

Claws dug into my heart through my chest.

Stanley entered the room. He dropped the machete and scrubbed both hands over his head. “Ah, fuck, shit, fuck. I shouldn’t have let you come in alone.” His eyes flicked to Channa and me as he moved to my dad’s side and dropped to the floor, pressing his hands to the wound. Muttering curse after curse as he shook his head.

Once free, I stood and drew Channa into my arms, ignoring the aches over my body. Her nails dug into me where she gripped, but she probably didn’t even realise Copyright 2016 - 2024