Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,73

a relationship. Just one night and I’d be—”

“Get out the front, Denise,” Stanley ordered with a glare.

Denise threw her head back and laughed loudly, but she did walk back out the front. It sounded like it was just in time, as I heard the door open definitely this time.

“You know she loves stirring you.” I smiled. Stanley grunted. I didn’t miss his lips twitching though. Glancing to the clock, I added, “Cody’s family should be in soon. I just have to finish mixing the dough together and help you—”

“Channa, relax. They’ll love your place. You do the dough and I’ll get the cookies done. It’s not like I’ve never done them.”

“I know, but I hate leaving all the work to you.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you slack off too much. You should do more work.” He shot me a scowl. “Do what you have to and then get out the front. I’ve had enough of you.”

Smiling, I said, “Yes, Stanley.”

He grumbled something under his breath, and then I caught, “She needs some damn time off before she works herself into a grave.”

God, I loved this man like a father. He was rough, gruff, but he was mine. We bickered as we continued to work, and it was something I wouldn’t ever give up. I also hoped the new employee would work alongside us just as well. Susan was starting her trial run next week. She seemed nice when she came in for her interview. We didn’t run out of things to say, and she knew everything I’d wanted in a baker. From her résumé, I discovered she was in her thirties, had worked in France for many years after her apprenticeship, and had only moved back to town a couple of months ago when she ran into Clary.

I had everything crossed things would work out because it meant I would get the chance to spend more time with Cody. It was the thought of more time with the man I was coming to like a lot that shot tingles of excitement to my belly.

Having had things change between Cody and me, that our relationship had shifted from friendship to more, still blew my mind. It almost seemed as if it was meant to be. I’d never felt more comfortable in my life around another man. Okay, so I’d only had two other boyfriends, but I’d never felt as… as giddy with them as I did with Cody Marcus.

When I’d gone to climb out of bed that morning at three, and like the other two mornings he’d stayed over, he’d curled his arm around me and dragged me back onto the bed. He’d hovered over me before kissing me without a care in the world over my morning breath.

“Always kiss me goodbye, angel,” he’d whispered into my ear that first time. Of course, I liked to test him to see if I could sneak out of bed, but I couldn’t, and his actions brought a big smile to my face every single time.

Just thinking of him had my heart racing in anticipation of seeing him again. Of kissing him, being with him.

God, I sounded lovesick, and maybe, just maybe, I was.

“Channa,” Denise called.

I grinned at Stanley. He simply smirked and rolled his eyes. “Go woo his family.”

With a salute, I said, “I will.”

I made my way out through the doors to hear Drake ask, “And she makes all this stuff?”

“That she does,” Denise told him.


“Hi,” I called out. Zara, Drake, Ruby, and Dillon looked up and over at me.

“This place is the shit,” Drake declared.

“Drake,” Zara snapped.

“Sorry, Mum, but it was called for. I want to try everything in here. Everything!”

Laughing, I said, “How about we start with two things and see how you go?”

He winked. “You got it. I’ll have a jelly slice and a chocolate éclair.”

Nodding, I glanced at the others. “Ruby and Dillon?”

Dillon looked to Ruby and waited for her to answer; she shot him a sweet smile and said, “I’ll have a caramel slice, please.”

“Can I have a custard tart?” Dillon asked.

“Of course. What about you, Zara?”

“A lamington. I haven’t tried one of those yet.”

“Got it. Grab a table, and I’ll help Denise get the treats, then join you.”

I got a chorus of “Thank you.” Zara stayed back to try and slip me money, but I firmly told her not to. They were Cody’s, and Cody was mine, which meant in a roundabout way, they were mine too.

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