Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,71

me, to hide my smile. When Deanna gagged and shook her head with wide eyes, we all laughed.

“Okay, I get it now,” she said with a shudder. Zara patted her on the back.

I jumped when hands slid around my waist. Glancing up over my shoulder, I found Cody smiling down at me. “Can I steal my woman?”

Deanna waved a hand at us. “Go.”

Cody’s brows drew down in confusion. Shifting, Cody dropped an arm from my waist so I could curl one around his. “You don’t want to know,” I told him.

He flicked his gaze around and nodded. “I believe you.”

“Don’t steal her for too long. The food’s coming out soon,” Maya said.

Cody rolled his eyes. “Not sure you meeting my family is a good thing since now I have to share your time with them.”

God, I loved that. I really did. I pressed my face into his shoulder, smiling like a maniac.

“We’ll be back,” he said and steered us towards the hall he’d just come from. I waved back at the women. My friends.

“Is Ruin okay?” I asked in the quiet hallway.

His arm around me tightened. “He will be. He’s just gotta sort some shit out in his head.” He kissed my temple. “Thanks for the time with him.”

I slid my free hand across his stomach. “Cody, no need to thank me. He’s your friend, your brother, and family. He needed you, and you wanted to be there for him. I can understand that.”

Cody stopped just outside a door and turned me to face him. He stared down at me intently. Reaching up, I cupped his cheek. “Are you okay?” Every time I touched him freely because he was mine, surprise flittered through me. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to him being my man. My boyfriend.

His smile warmed my insides. “Yeah, angel. I’m fuckin’ amazin’ because I got you.”

Wow. I wanted to spout poetry, sing a love song, and tell him how much he meant to me, but instead, I buried my face into his chest and hugged him tightly to me.

I never thought I could ever be genuinely happy again after Mum died. Yet, here I was stupidly, crazy happy.

His chest moved up and down with a quiet chuckle. I heard him open the door behind him, and he pulled me into the room. I had a feeling he knew I was all gushy for him and didn’t know what to say or how to say it without stuffing things up.

With a kiss to his chest, I moved from his arms and had a look around the room. It was simple, with a bed, some drawers with a television on top, and a connecting en suite, but it was nice, and it smelled like Cody.

“This your room?”

“Yeah, for whenever I wanna crash here.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Just wanted some quiet time with you for a moment.”

Maybe whatever Ruin told him had got to him in some way. I wouldn’t push him on it and hound for information. He’d share when he wanted to.

After walking back to him, I circled my arms around his neck and got to my tippytoes to press my lips against his. “I’m all for quiet time whenever you want it,” I told him.

He crushed his mouth to mine, drawing a moan from within me when our mouths opened and our tongues danced a wicked and delightful tango.

The kiss broke, and we rested our foreheads together, both breathing hard. His hands ran up and down my waist while I gently scratched through his short hair at the back.

“Come sit on the bed with me for a bit?” he asked.

I took his hand and nodded. At the bed, Cody sat with his back against the headboard and spread his legs, patting the spot between them. Happy to oblige, I climbed onto the bed and over his leg, resting my back against his chest, and when his arms wrapped around my waist, I held onto them.

“Were you havin’ fun with the women?”

“Yes, they’re great.”

“Julian calls them the muffkateers.” Laughter bubbled up and out of me; Cody joined in.

“Of course he would. Too bad he couldn’t make it tonight, and I’m yet to meet your uncle Mattie and their daughter.”

He tucked some hair behind my ear and kissed the bridge of it. “Don’t worry. There’ll be a heap of time for that.”

Just hearing him say that we had time had me mushy on the inside.

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