Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,57

at the time? I’ve got to go.” She stood and bolted for the door. I let her go.

Julian tried to quietly sneak out from behind Mum. “Do not move,” I told him.

“But you let Clary go.”

“She, I can understand. She would have been burstin’ at the seams to say somethin’. But whose idea was it to come here?”

“Zara’s,” Julian said.

“It was not!” Mum cried. She thumbed to the man behind her. “It was his. I said no, Julian, we can’t go to the bakery under false pretences, but he was all for it.”

“Doesn’t surprise me.”

“Hey, it was nothing like that. I’m an innocent, sweet man.”

“Who hounded Channa for information.”

Julian snorted and rolled his eyes. “I was just getting to know her. Weren’t we, Zara?”

“I’m not saying anything,” Mum replied.

Julian stomped his foot, always the dramatic one. “I’m not taking all the blame for this.”

“And what is this?” I asked.

“To see your woman and get to know her, since you obviously won’t share her,” Julian explained.

“Right. I’m layin’ down the law now, and if either of you don’t listen, there’ll be hell to pay. Not only will I bring Mattie and Dad into it, but I’ll keep everythin’ else in my life secret.”

Mum gasped. “Cody.”

“Mum, you know I love you, but you and your posse need to butt outta my life until I’m willin’ to share shit, yeah?”

She stared at me for a beat, then sighed. “Fine.”


“Got you, captain. And might I just say, you’re so much like your daddy.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Now promise this shit won’t happen again.”

“Promise,” Mum said.

“Promise.” Julian nodded.

Groaning, I scrubbed a hand over my face. “Both of you raise your hands so I know you ain’t got your fingers crossed and say it again.”

“Oooh, he’s smart. Damn it,” Julian said, but he raised both arms and promised again.


She rolled her eyes and brought both hands up where I could see them. “Promise. Now, how about you both come to dinner tonight?”

Channa made a noise in the back of her throat and her eyes were wide. I wanted to chuckle at how panicked she looked but didn’t. Instead, I tightened my hold around her. It was also in case she decided to run.

“I don’t know,” Channa said.

“Please, come,” Mum begged. “We need the extra female advantage since Ruby, my youngest daughter, is bringing a date for dinner.”

I tensed. “That’s happenin’ tonight? She didn’t wait long to ask him.”

“She likes him, Cody, and I need you, your father, and brother on their best behaviour.”

“Sure,” I drew out. I was going to make this little punk’s life hell.

“See.” Mum pointed at my face. “That evil look right there is why we need more women in the house to smooth things over.” Mum glanced back to Channa. “Please, or else I fear for this young boy’s life.”

She was being a bit dramatic; then again, probably not.

“Okay,” Channa whispered.

“Angel,” I said, gaining her attention. “Don’t let her pressure you into it.”

“He’s right, Channa. It’s honestly okay if you don’t make it.”

Channa nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment. “No, I would love to come. Thank you for inviting me.” Her hand gripped my side, telling me how nervous she was.

Mum beamed and clapped her hands. “Great.” She stood. “I should really introduce myself properly. Channa, I’m Zara Marcus, Cody’s mother. Behind me is Julian Jacobs, Cody’s uncle and my brother-in-law.”

Channa laughed. “It’s good to meet you.”

“Can I just say—” Julian started.

“No,” I clipped.

Julian rolled his eyes. “Well, I’m going to because I’m sure your precious woman here would want to hear my sound advice.”

“Sound advice? Probably crazy,” I muttered into Channa’s ear, causing her to giggle. I didn’t miss the way Mum was watching us with soft eyes.

“I heard that,” Julian complained. “Anyway, ignore my nephew being a douche canoe. I was going to say that you, my dear Channa, have wonderful taste in men.” Julian shrugged. “But now I’m going to take it all back.” He huffed, glaring at me.

Chuckling, I said, “Come on, Julian, you still love me.”

He shrugged. “Get back to me on that. Now, I must be off. Mattie should be home soon, and we’ll get some alone time before our girl gets home.” He wiggled his brows. “You know what that means,” he teased.

“Julian,” I groaned.

Julian threw up his hands. “I was talking about sleeping. We’ll take a nap together.”

“Sure,” Zara drew out. Channa just seemed amused by everything, but I really had to rush this up so we weren’t holding up her Copyright 2016 - 2024