Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,52

be gone for another few weeks,” Dad said.

I nodded just as Ruby’s music switched off. It was only moments later when she walked into the living room with a smile.

“Hey, Cody,” she said, leaning down to give me a hug, which I returned before she moved to sit on the floor near Mum.

“You gotta get better taste in music, kid,” I told her.

She stuck her tongue out. “Yungblud is the best singer.”

Dad snorted. “I’m about ready to tear my ears off if I hear that ‘Parents’ song again.”

Ruby rolled her eyes. “You’re just getting old, old man.”

He reached over Mum and gently clipped Ruby in the back of the head. “Enough of that ‘old man’ shit.”

Ruby giggled. Dad settled back into the couch, putting his arm around Mum, who snuggled into him with a smile on her face. As they went on talking, I took in what was in front of me. A family who loved each other unconditionally. I wanted that for myself one day, my own family. My own woman who gave me shit, who told me what for, who loved me like I was the only reason she kept breathing.

Maya nudged me in the ribs. “You off with the fairies?”

Snorting, I said, “Somethin’ like that. What were you sayin’?”

“My brilliant idea.”

Oh shit.


“It ain’t so brilliant,” Dad commented.

Maya glared at him and turned back to me. “That I could move in with you instead of some of my girlfriends.”


“Ah… I don’t know if that’d be a good idea.”

Maya frowned. “And why not?”

“’Cause he don’t want his style cramped when he brings home his chicks and his little sister is there,” Drake said, coming back into the living room. He sat on the couch arm near Dad.

Dad chuckled. Mum frowned.

“Come on, I wouldn’t get in your way. You have, like, three extra rooms.”

“Maya,” Ruby started. “He’s Cody. Do you really want to clean the bathroom after him?”

“Hey, I’m not that bad.”

Ruby scoffed. “Yeah right. You’re just like Drake, and I have to share one with him. Some days I want to wear a hazmat suit in there. Besides, the spare rooms are near his. Do you want to hear the stuff he gets up to in there?”

Drake started moaning obnoxiously. Dad roared with laughter while Mum reached over him and smacked Drake on the thigh.

“Enough of that.” Though her lips twitched.

Maya sighed. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t really think it through.”

“There’s no hurry to move out,” Dad said.

If I didn’t change the subject, things were about to get rowdy. “Anyway, what else has been goin’ on?”

“Ruby has a boyfriend,” Drake answered with a smirk.

“Drake!” Ruby yelled.

“What the fuck now?” Dad said.

Goddamn my idiot brother and his shit-stirring ways. Still, Ruby was too young to start dating.

“Honey, is this true?” Mum asked.

“No… yes.” She groaned. “He asked me out, but I haven’t given him an answer yet.”

“It’s a no,” Dad and I said at the same time. We shared a grin.

Ruby whined, “Why?”

“You’re sixteen,” I said.

“You’re too young,” Dad clipped.

“Now, hold up,” Maya started. “If Drake came home and said he had a girlfriend, would he be allowed to date her?”

I snorted. Dad chuckled. “That’s different.”

Mum slowly turned to Dad. “It’s different? Haven’t we already been through this with Maya when she started dating? There is no double-standard bullpoop in this house. Cody brought home a girl when he was fifteen. Ruby is sixteen. If she likes this boy, then we’re giving her permission to date him.”

Ruby leaned back against Mum’s leg and the couch, crossing her arms over her chest and looking damn smug with that satisfied smile.

“Fine,” Dad said.

“What? No,” I barked.

Dad’s hand came up. “No, it’s fine. He just has to come to dinner here first before any said dates.”

“No!” Ruby screamed. “You’ll all scare him off.”

Grinning, I said, “Tell me when and I’ll be here.”

“Now, Ruby,” Mum said, “I think it’s a good idea, and then you’ll know if he’s really interested in you. If he is, he won’t be scared off so easily.”

“Darn it all,” she snapped and stood. “Fine. I’ll ask him.”

“And you do this before you even agree to date him,” Dad said.

“Fine.” Ruby glared. “I’m going to bed.” She stomped off, only to turn around to hug and kiss Mum, Dad, Maya, and me. When she passed Drake, she hit him in the gut and then ran for it. She couldn’t stay shitty; she was too nice, which was why all we wanted to do was take care of her.

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