Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,51

They looked female. Before I went back in, I took another look around, but once again, I saw and heard nothing out of the ordinary.

Channa was at the door by the time I got back. “Everything okay?”

“Yep, didn’t find anyone.”

She smiled. “See, I told you I was probably seeing something. Could have been a possum.”

“Better to be safe than sorry. Precious cargo in this house.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it, and red coated her cheeks. “Um, okay.”

Grinning, I took her hand and pulled her inside. But just in the doorway, I stopped. “I better hit the road. We’ll do this again soon.”

“Okay,” she whispered, looking everywhere but at me.

“Night, angel.”

“Goodnight, Cody.”

Leaning in, I pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and waited a beat to see if she’d try and kiss me. She didn’t, which I’d already suspected since she’d been so flustered the last time.

“Reach out in text if you need anythin’ or just want a chat, yeah?”

Her smile turned soft. “I will.”

“Lock up after me.”

She laughed. “I will.”

I tapped the door frame and walked out the door. I waited until I heard the locks engage before moving off to my car. It was early enough for a visit home. I knew my family would still be up and awake. The twins, no doubt, causing havoc.

“Knock, knock,” I called, entering through the front door. I could hear music, no doubt coming from Ruby’s room, some cursing, probably from Drake playing some Xbox game, and then voices towards the kitchen.

“Is that my boy?” Mum called. She walked down the hall from the kitchen with Dad and Maya following. “What are you doing here? I thought you were out with a friend.”

“I was, but it ended, and I thought I’d drop by.” When she got close, I hugged her to me and kissed her head. She was short, just like Maya and Ruby were.

“Always nice to have you drop in,” she said and glanced around me.

“What are you lookin’ for?” I asked, greeting Dad with a slap to the back and Maya a hug.

“Looking for your laundry bag.”

Chuckling, I said, “Don’t have any.” I’d only dropped off my laundry a few times before I bought my new washing machine.

“Ruby, Drake, come see your brother,” Dad yelled.

“Fuck!” Drake bellowed—he probably just got killed in his game.

“Drake Marcus, enough of that language,” Mum yelled, and slowly turned her glare to Dad. I hid my grin behind my hand and walked over to the couch. Maya quickly followed in case Mum was about to lecture Dad for the billionth time.

“Come on, Kitten. He’s sixteen—”

“Sixteen, Talon. Sixteen. Not eighteen, not legal enough to drink. Until he is, I want to curb the swearing.”

I caught Drake out the corner of my eyes turning and trying to sneak back to his room.

“Drake! I see you. Come here and hug your brother,” Mum demanded. “And what do you say?”

“Sorry for swearin’, Ma. But Dad’s right—”

Dad groaned and palmed his face. “Boy, no.”

“Your dad’s right? Your dad’s right? So you think I should just let you swear, smoke, do drugs, and drink?”

“Kitten, how in the fuck is swearin’ the same as doing drugs and drinkin’?” Dad asked.

She opened her mouth and snapped it closed before glaring at everyone. “I’ll think of something, and when I do, you’ll all hear about it.” She pointed at me and ordered Drake, “Hug him, then go get your sister. I’m sure she’ll be deaf by the time she’s twenty with that music.”

Drake shuffled over, bent, and gave me a quick hug. “Hey, bro,” he said.

“What’s up, loser?” I teased, ruffling his dark hair.

“You’re the loser, and not much since the last time we talked. I’ll go get Ruby.” He added under his breath, “Before she gets chewed out.”

“I heard that,” Mum said.

Drake groaned and quickly disappeared down the hall again. Mum and Dad sat on the couch opposite Maya and me.

“How was your pizza tonight?” Mum asked.

I raised a brow at her. “Good, why?”

She shrugged and looked around the room. “Just wondering.”

I shook my head at her. Yeah, she was acting weird. Turning to Dad, I asked, “You heard from Ruin?”

“Yesterday. You?”

“Same. Seems to be takin’ longer than he thought,” I said.

Dad scowled. “Yeah. Stupid fuckin’ dicks.” He was right to call them that. Ruin had told me what happened when he’d gone with Mimi to see her father and uncle. I thinned my lips at the thought. It would be better for everyone when her father did die.

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