Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,5

leaving and pushing that thought from my mind. It didn’t matter because I wouldn’t be seeing him again.

Chapter Two


Groaning, I reached over and slapped a hand down on my alarm clock. The only thing I hated about owning a bakery was the early mornings. Yet I wouldn’t give it up for anything. After I rubbed a hand over my face, I flicked back the covers and shivered. The room was extra cold this morning since we were in autumn but headed into winter. It wouldn’t be worth turning on the heater, though, because I would be out the door soon enough. I always showered the previous night, knowing I wouldn’t have the energy to in the mornings. I didn’t fully wake until I was at the bakery and cooking.

Dragging my feet, I went into the bathroom, splashed water on my face, and brushed my teeth. That would keep me going until I got to work. I quickly got dressed in jeans and a nice tee before making my way down the hall and into the living room.

As always, my eyes went straight to the beds in front of the window. Smiling, I called, “Morning, babies.” Their tails started slapping on the floor before they even lifted their heads and then both of them raced my way for some love and attention. “Hey, Coco. Hey, Harley,” I cooed, running my hands over them.

My two German shepherds were another reason I kept going after Mum passed on. They were only three years old—still young and sometimes stubborn—but they had my back when needed. When they were pups, though, I regretted my choice in breed because they were reckless. Into everything, didn’t listen, and chewed whatever they could. It wasn’t until we took them for dog training that they became the best monsters in the world, because now they actually listened to me.

Harley dropped to the floor and rolled onto his back while Coco sat staring up at me adorably. Laughing, I dipped lower, and while rubbing Coco’s head, I patted Harley’s belly; he hated early mornings like I did.

“Come on, you two. I’ll get some treats.” I’d made sure to have a dog door built in after we’d bought the place. The backyard was nice and big for them both, and I’d set up little play areas to help them keep entertained while I was at work. Of course, every day I had to come home and clean the yard up, but I didn’t care. As long as they had fun.

After walking into the kitchen, I took out the jar of treats and undid the lid. Both monsters sat with their tails wagging beside me. They both stopped in unison, their heads twisting towards the front door, and then I heard it: the rumble of a bike.

Snorting, I shook my head. Whenever a loud bike rode by, it always caught their attention. It was a bit early and cold to be out on a bike, but I’d heard about guys who rode in any weather.

The dogs ignored the treats I held out to them and got to their feet. My brows dipped, and after a second, shot high when a screech and smash sounded out the front. More squealing of tyres and then voices. With my heart hammering, I raced to the front window and peeked through the blinds.

A bike was on its side, a man on the ground, and other men stood over him yelling, but I couldn’t hear what through the ringing in my ears as adrenaline pumped through me. Coco and Harley barked at my side, not helping the situation.

“Heel,” I snapped. They did, sitting on the floor, letting whimpers drop from their mouths.

I looked back out through the blinds and my blood turned to ice. One of the men standing had a gun pointed at the one on the ground while the others laid fists and kicks into him.

Didn’t the crash wake my neighbours?

Couldn’t they run out and stop it?

Drawing in a deep breath, I took hold of Harley’s collar, knowing he would be more trouble. I opened the front door and ordered, “Stay.” I slipped through, leaving the door open, and closed the screen one instead. “I’ve called the cops,” I yelled and then cursed under my breath, realizing I really shouldn’t have done that. But then it could have been too late.

The men who were laying into the one on the ground backed off. The one hurt on the ground looked up at me.

“Leave him alone,” Copyright 2016 - 2024