Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,44

but I realised it was too soon, and we weren’t at that stage yet.

“Fuck, that smells good,” I said, giving her an out. It was up to her if she took it or not.

She turned with the pan in hand and slid the chicken stir-fry in the ready-prepared bowl. “Hope it tastes as good as it smells,” she offered with a thin-lipped smile.

I pulled the bowl towards me and took a forkful. Flavour burst into my mouth, and I groaned. “Damn good,” I said, still chewing.

She seemed lighter after my comment, but it quickly faded. “You know what happened in high school,” she uttered. I nodded, not daring to say a word. She sucked in a breath. “Well, after it, Mum and I moved just out of town. I went to a different school and we started over our lives. One full of love and cooking.” She glanced away, down to her dogs as they got close to her—sensing their owner was in a mood I expected. “Before what happened at the school….” She closed her mouth and gripped the bench, staring down at it. A tiny, mild laugh escaped her. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” She shook her head. “Maybe we should save it for in a year or two.” She waved her hands in front of her with wide eyes. “Not that I’m saying we’ll be friends for that long. I just—”

“Channa,” I called.

Her lips snapped shut. “Hmm?”

“Relax, angel. Nothing you say or do will… let’s say, put me off gettin’ to know you, okay?” She’d been so close to opening up to me, but then it was as if she felt it’d be too much for me to understand or maybe handle. Or perhaps she didn’t want to burden me with her past. One day I’d get her to understand I’d listen no matter what it was.

“Um, sure?”

She didn’t sound sure.

I pushed the bowl back and patted my gut. “Best meal I’ve had in ages.” I gave her a sharp look. “Don’t tell my mum that. She’d kill me.”

Laughter bubbled up and out of her. “My lips are sealed.” She placed the bowl in the sink and leaned back against it again. “When will you look at opening another store?”

“Since we’re already in April, maybe towards the end of the year. Get through winter first. Though, I ain’t in any rush because this one keeps me busy enough. I’m going to look at hiring a manager soon. Train them up so I can take time away from this store to dedicate it to the new one. When the time comes.”

“You’re smart, Cody Marcus.”

Goddamn, my name sounded good on her lips.

“Sorry, you don’t mind me calling you Cody, right?”

“Not at all, angel.” In fact, if you could do it every damn second of the day, I’d be in bliss.

“Are you sure? Maybe I should stick to Coyote.”

“Channa.” When I had her gaze, I made sure she understood. “Like you sayin’ Cody over Coyote, yeah?”

“Sure,” she drew out, and once more, it sounded like she wasn’t sure.

I smirked. Damn, she was cute. She’d find out soon enough what I meant by her, and only her, calling me by my real name. “So, what’s your favourite thing to make at the bakery?”

“That’s a hard one.” She bit her bottom lip while she thought, and I wanted to be the one to take that lip between my teeth to suck on it. Yeah, it was impossible to ignore the attraction I had for her. She cocked her head to the side, then shrugged. “I like many things and trying different recipes. Mum and I used to experiment all the time in the kitchen.” She clicked her fingers. “I’ve got it. My all-time favourite thing to bake is shortbread. It’s fun and creative. I have all types of cookie cutters, and it’s easy to decorate them. More than cakes and anything else, which is why I have Stanley.” Her eyes widened. “Oh my God, I just rambled on about things you didn’t need to know or care about.”

“Babe, I want to know all things about you. We’re gettin’ to know each other. It’s what friends do.”

She dragged her top teeth over her bottom lip and nodded. “Okay.”

I smiled. “Okay.”

“Do you like shortbread?” she asked.

“I do. Would love to taste yours one day.”

Goddamn, a blush hit her cheeks, and I wanted to know her thoughts. “I’ll make you some one day.”

“Sounds good, angel.” I glanced at the microwave. I’d been Copyright 2016 - 2024