Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,23

couldn’t, wouldn’t sit around and take whatever they were about to do. I didn’t go through what I had already in life and give up when things were good.

Licking my dry lips, I tipped my chin up and said, “Yes, I remember you.” I laughed. “I remember I kicked your arse and you ran away like a twat.”

His face reddened in anger. I was sure this was it. This was where I would be shot and killed.

However, a voice snarled from behind me, “Drop your fuckin’ weapon and back away from her.” My heart gave a hard leap at the sound of Cody’s voice.

“You stupid, man? You shoot me, I’ll kill her.”

The men behind him pulled out more guns.

If Cody could shoot the three behind him while protecting himself, I could take down the one in front of me. The one who got butthurt because a woman had beat him. Only how could I relay my message without saying anything?

Slowly, I glanced over my shoulder.

“Eyes here, bitch,” the man snarled, then kicked me in the thigh. Wincing, I looked back and his gaze moved over me, back to Cody. “You’re outnumbered.” He smiled. “Go get him,” he ordered. His other goons started around him, then froze. “What the fuck you doin’?” he asked.

They stepped back. I wanted to see what had their eyes widening, had them swallowing in fear. But I didn’t. I had to keep my focus on the main threat.

“It seems you think you have the upper hand, arsehole. Try again.” That sounded like Ruin.

“You’re surrounded, motherfucker. Back away from Channa, now.” What in the hell was Stanley doing there?

One of the men in front of me said, “That’s a fucking rocket launcher.”

Dear God, Stanley had brought a “toy” from his house. But how did he know something was going on?

The men in front of me all tensed when we listened to the loud roar of bikes coming our way.

“Do not fuckin’ move,” Cody ordered.

The other goons started cursing the main guy, but he ignored them and focused down on me. I saw it then, the clear decision in his eyes. Before the Hawks MC arrived, he was going to make me pay. The bikes drew closer; shouting started, especially when the man in front of me didn’t look away.

His hand shook a little. He was shitting bricks. Right then I knew I would have to do something, and quick.

I slapped my hands to the ground, used them to pick up my body, ignoring the pain through me, and I pushed down to sweep my foot under his. He stumbled to the side but managed to jump it. I kicked my body up with all my might to stand before him. I punched forward, right towards his throat. Startled, he dropped the gun, his hands gripping his throat as he fought for breath.

Fury still blinded me. I hit him again and again, in the stomach, his shoulder. Kicking out my foot, I pushed, and he tripped backwards, falling to the ground. He rolled, reaching for the gun, and in the next second, someone dropped down on top of the man, restraining him.

As I tried to catch my breath, I rested a hand against my chest and took a step back. I noticed then others had surrounded us. Bikes were parked all around, and men from the Hawks MC were seizing the other douches. I’d heard their bikes but didn’t realise they’d arrived.

How could I have not heard them surrounding us?

“Channa?” was called behind me. Turning, I spotted Stanley, along with Cody and Ruin, making their way over. I blinked; wetness touched my cheeks. My hands shook when I pulled them up to wipe it away.

“Fuck, kid, fuck,” Stanley muttered, pulling me into his arms.

I sucked in a ragged breath and made a noise in the back of my throat. My whole body was shaking now. The adrenaline had worn off, and all I kept repeating in my head was how I could have died.

Only I must have said it aloud, because in the next moment, I was moved from one set of arms to another. A hand cupped the back of my head, and Cody’s deep, gruff voice whispered, “You’re all right, baby. You’re fine, you’re here. You’re all right.”

I nodded into his chest, but I couldn’t stop shaking. My arms lay limp at my sides, and my body throbbed, some spots more painful than others.

“How’d you know?” he asked, but I knew he wasn’t talking to me Copyright 2016 - 2024