Coyote (Hawks MC Next Generation #1) - Lila Rose Page 0,10

leave them with my neighbour, who I do know.”

“Understood,” Talon said. “Can you give us a minute? Then after Doc comes, we’ll get outta your hair.”

Dodge shot Talon a look, one I didn’t trust. Yet what choice did I have? I nodded and turned to go into the kitchen, calling for Coco and Harley to follow.

Chapter Three


She was familiar, and I wasn’t just thinking about how I’d seen her that day at the bakery. There was something niggling at the back of my mind. But now wasn’t the time to let it form. We had other matters to deal with.

As soon as Channa was out of sight, we all shifted closer to Texas to speak low. Dodge was the first to ask, “Who?”

“That fuckin’ new gang. They got it in their heads Hawks has stolen off them, but wouldn’t say what. Didn’t get all the information since the scene was interrupted, which was fuckin’ good because they were gonna use me to give Hawks a lesson. They’d said they’d been watchin’ the Hawks. Seen me and knew I was close to the Hawks. Thought I was the best option to deal with.”

Texas hadn’t even been patched into the club. Hell, he was only in town long enough to set up his second tattoo business. Fucking bad timing.

“It’s time we have a sit down with these fuckers,” I stated. The gang hadn’t been around long, but if they thought they could just take charge and hurt any of us, they had another thing coming. I was ready to teach them a lesson, along with the other brothers.

Talon, who was the club president and my dad, dropped his hand to my shoulder and applied pressure. “We will.” He removed his hand and glanced back down to Texas. “Where’s it hurt?”

“Ribs. Think cracked or broken. The rest will heal quickly. Just worried about Ink It.”

“We’ve got it, brother, you know that,” Dodge said. Dodge was Texas’s uncle, but since he’d been under Dodge’s roof when he was just fourteen, Dodge went from uncle to his dad. “I’ll stay around a bit longer and help out.”

“What about Low?” Texas asked. Low was Dodge’s old lady and also Texas’s mum.

Dodge cursed under his breath. “She’s gonna go crazy, you know that.”

Texas sighed. “Yep.”

Dodge smirked. “No doubt she’ll get her arse here to take care of you.” Texas groaned. I’d known Low for most of my life, so I knew there was also a chance she’d want to go and kick these guys arses for touching her boy. “Rommy as well,” Dodge added. Rommy was Texas’s sister and also very protective of her brother.

“Rommy can’t take the time off,” Texas said.

“Fuck, I know. I’ll figure something out. For now, tell us what you meant earlier, when you said that wasn’t all that happened.”

Texas actually grinned. “Christ, it was damn amazin’. No kiddin’. That shit blew my mind.”

“Spit it out then,” Ruin demanded. Ruin also had a father in the club, Stoke. Ruin and I lived in Ballarat and were a part of the original chapter, where Texas would patch into the one Dodge was the president of. They belonged to the Caroline Springs chapter. But we were all family. All close and would do anything for the club to keep the peace.

“When I came to, it was to see her dogs going crazy, and then she was there kickin’ arse.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Texas chuckled low. “She was like a silent ninja. Her moves were from a damn kung-fu movie as she took them all down within seconds.”

“No shit?” Ruin breathed.

“No fuckin’ shit. She saved my damn life.” He swallowed, his hand holding his waist. “I’m worried they’ll want retribution.”

Dodge and Talon shared a look before Talon said, “We’ll keep an eye on things for her. Patrollin’ won’t be singular any longer. Two brothers at a time, no excuses.”

We all agreed. Not only about the patrolling but looking out for Channa. She did just risk her life for a brother, and we didn’t want something happening to her because of it.


Why did her name seem familiar?

The knock on the door had my thoughts shifting. The dogs barked and had just run back into the living room when we heard shouted, “No, heel. Come.” Silence, and then they trotted back into the kitchen, and we heard “Who’s my good babies? So brave and amazing.” We all looked at each other. Texas was the only one smiling. That woman, the one cooing over her animals, had been Copyright 2016 - 2024