Cowboy Crazy - By Joanne Kennedy Page 0,93

of jealousy as it drove deeper and twisted.

“Where’s Momma?” Katie asked, leaning back to look up at her father’s face.

“She’s at the doctor,” he said. “We have to wait.”

Katie nodded sagely. “Does she need a shot?”

At least one person in the family got regular medical care. Sarah had taken Kelsey and Katie to Casper for pediatrician appointments several times, worried that Kelsey’s rattletrap car would leave them stranded on the highway.

“No shot,” he said. “But she might take a while. You want to play over there? Look at the train.”

He pointed toward a play area with a brightly painted wooden locomotive and an assortment of toys and books. Katie stared a moment, her little jaw dropping, then nodded with outsized enthusiasm and struggled in his arms. He released her and she toddled over to the train, climbing onto the seat and gripping a spinning steering wheel with her chubby fists. Sarah started out of her seat, but Mike gestured for her to stay.

“She’ll be okay,” he said. “Kelsey likes her to play by herself sometimes. So she’s not so needy.”

Sarah nodded, feeling left out yet again. Normally she was privy to all Kelsey’s latest childcare techniques, but now Mike was her partner in raising Katie. That was how it should be, but how long would Mike stay? And if he walked, what would it do to Katie?

“You can depend on me this time,” he said, as if he’d read her thoughts. “I won’t leave again.”

Lane mumbled something about coffee and lurched out of his chair, leaving Sarah alone with the last person she wanted to talk to.

“I know I was an asshole,” Mike said.

At least we agree on something.

“I was a kid,” he said. “Just a dumb kid.”

Two things.

“I never should’ve tried to get married, but I loved Kelsey, you know? I knew she was the one for me, and she wanted to, so…” He spread his hands helplessly. “I can tell you I never looked at another woman. That wasn’t what it was about, okay?”

Sarah nodded.

“I just felt like nothing was ever going to change, you know? Like I was locked into this same thing, night after night. It’s hard having a kid.”

“You might have thought of that when…”

“I know.” He rolled right over her as if he knew what she was going to say. He probably did. His screwups were pretty easy to figure out, even for a dumb rodeo cowboy. “But after the store closed, I couldn’t find a job, and I was just—I was useless.”

Three things.

“I tried the rodeo ’cause it was all there was, you know? And I thought I’d be better at it. Turned out I sucked.”

Sarah was losing count of all the things they agreed on. Was that four or five?

“So we got the divorce, and I was paying best I could, and then I got the job at Carrigan and I thought she’d be pleased, you know? And then she wouldn’t even talk to me. I was up there in the boonies, couldn’t go see her no matter how bad I wanted, and it was like she was gone, her and Katie just gone, and I’d lost my chance. I blew it. Just blew the best thing I ever had.”

Sarah nodded. Mike’s eyes were suspiciously shiny. He’d never seemed like a very sensitive guy—he was always laughing, always joshing with the boys, but now he seemed different. Maybe he was growing up.

It was about time. In fact, it was damn near too late.

“But Kelsey gave me another chance,” he said. “She forgave me. Can you believe that?” He set his elbows on his knees and ducked his head down, hiding his face while he got himself under control. Finally, he looked up. “She loves me no matter what. She waited, and she never gave up on me.”

“I know.” Sarah’s heart ached for her sister. She’d blamed Mike for all her problems, but maybe it was Sarah who’d stressed her beyond what she could take.

“When I came back, I was so scared she’d throw me out, but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. ’Cause when Kelsey loves you, she loves you all the way.” He ducked his head again. “I gotta go.” He stood and patted his pockets, blinking fast. “I quit smoking, but I think I’ll go stand outside anyway, okay?”

Sarah nodded and tried to smile, but her lips wouldn’t cooperate. Thankfully, Katie chose that moment to shout out, “Aunt Sarah. Watch me!”

Sarah found she could smile for Katie, and she watched the little Copyright 2016 - 2024