Cover Me - By Catherine Mann Page 0,65

the street, their wolf-hybrid dog loping in step.

Sunny swiped her wrist under her eyes, and he followed her train of thought in a flash.

His hand fell to the back of her neck. “We can call McCabe and check on Chewie after we eat. So far I still have bars on my cell phone.”

She smiled up at him as she stepped into the lodge lobby. “Thanks. I would really appreciate that.”

“Before you go all mushy on me”—he closed the door behind her, sealing the wind away from the warmth of the wood-burning stove—“I’m also calling in to see how the investigation is going.”

He ushered her through the lobby, which doubled as a dining area, tables packed with fisherman tugging off black stocking hats. Walls were crammed with mounted local catches. A stuffed brown bear loomed on its hind legs in a corner.

Five minutes later, he signed the check-in book. Wade collected the key. Neither of them had questioned staying together. The place only had a half dozen rooms, but after this morning’s close call he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

Waiting beside him, she hooked her thumbs on her backpack straps. “A lot can change in a couple of hours.” She chewed her bottom lip with uncharacteristic nervousness. “After you make your call, there are things I should tell you.”

Yeah, he knew that too well.

This was it. When he had the conversation he knew needed to happen, things between them would change. Call him selfish, but he wanted this chance to be with her.

Once they crossed that line, saying certain things out loud, things would change irrevocably between them. “Sure, but first, I have something to say to you.”

She stepped into the room, easing her backpack onto a split-log bench. “What?”

He carefully placed his own pack beside hers before pivoting back to face her.

“This.” He closed the thick oak door and pressed her to the panel in one smooth move.

Hands bracketing her face, he kissed her. Hard and fast and with all the frustrated energy pent up from a day full of insane twists. They should have been lounging in bed for a lazy week off. He would have used the time wisely to learn every inch of her creamy flesh, to discover the precise location of every erogenous zone.

Instead she’d spent half her day identifying grisly crime scene photos and he was stuck finding out her secrets from OSI investigators. Whatever happened to exchanging phone numbers and astrological signs over drinks?

The day rolled over him. The insanity outside his apartment that morning. How close a crazed killer had been lurking, targeting Sunny. How close Sunny had come to walking away from him.

Tomorrow loomed with a big dark shadow of the unknown. But right here, right now, he had Sunny in his arms.

Her tongue searched his mouth every bit as boldly and thoroughly as he delved into hers. She tunneled her hand between them and unzipped his parka and shoved it from his shoulders and to the floor. A damn good idea. He set to work on her jacket until finally they could press chest to chest. The fullness of her breasts flattened against him, her curves familiar, enticing, and still entirely too covered up.

Wind howled beyond the curtains, bedside lamps flickering in response, bringing a momentary blink of reason.

He resisted the urge to tear every inch of clothes from her body. “We should slow down.”

“Why?” she gasped, fumbling down the buttons on his uniform.

He covered her hands with his. “Because I don’t want to be an insensitive jackass by taking you against this door.”

“What if I like this door?” She nipped his bottom lip.

Fair enough. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

Finesse fell away faster than the rest of their clothes until they stood skin to skin, his hard-on pressing against the warmth of her stomach. He throbbed with restraint, aching to feel her all around him.

He dipped to snag his wallet from his pants and filched a condom. Sunny snatched it from his palm and sheathed him quickly, efficiently, her haste speaking loud and clear of her own impatience.

He thrust into her, the clamp of her body threatening to send him over the edge before he even really got started. His teeth clenched, hard. She kissed along his jaw, rocking her hips in encouragement as she whispered her need against his ear.

The pounding urge to come damn near deafened him, his pulse hammered so loudly in his ears. No doubt, this was going to be over quick, so he Copyright 2016 - 2024