Covenant A Novel - By Dean Crawford Page 0,99

break,” Gomez said, and then called out, “Hey, c’mere, Casey.”

Casey got to his feet and shuffled across to them. Tyrell judged him at about six-three and at least two hundred forty pounds. A pair of listless blue eyes shyly met his. Tyrell extended his right hand and Casey reached out for it, the shake limp and damp.

“Can you tell us what you saw, Casey?” Tyrell asked.

“Nothin’,” Casey said in a whispering Texan accent. “I just happened by, doing my drinks rounds when I saw Daniel. He’d been sick, his eyes were open but he wasn’t looking at anythin’, and there were a lot of pills around him. I couldn’t open the door, so I went in through the window instead.” He shrugged. “Din’ know what else t’do.”

“You did good, Casey,” Gomez said reassuringly.

Tyrell frowned, looking back into the room.

“How does a bedridden former drug addict in a controlled hospital gain access to enough drugs to overdose?”

The nurse beside them sighed softly.

“There is only one way,” she said, and gestured down the hall.

Walking toward them, flanked by two police officers, was Claretta Neville. Gone was her defiant bravado. Claretta walked with shoulders slumped, staring at the floor, her huge arms dwarfing those of the officers’ looped through hers.

“You’re kidding?” Lopez snapped. “There’s no way.”

Claretta came to a stop in front of Tyrell, looking up at him. No psychologist was needed to see that the events of the day had entirely sapped her of her will.

“You know what happened here?” he asked her simply.

Claretta shook her head once.

“I told ’em everythin’.” Glistening pools appeared beneath her eyelids. “I don’t know why he’d have done somethin’ like this. I din’ give him no pills.”

Tyrell looked into the empty room where Daniel Neville’s short life had come to an end, and then looked at the nurse and Officer Gomez.

“Daniel Neville was suicidal with pain,” he said softly before looking at Officer Gomez. “A locked room, no way of getting contraband in or out, cameras on the corridor. You’re absolutely sure all of those criteria were met by the hospital staff?”

Both Gomez and the nurse nodded without hesitation.

“Couldn’t have got in any other way,” Gomez said sadly.

Tyrell nodded, and turned to Daniel’s mother. “Claretta Neville, I’m arresting you on suspicion of first-degree murder. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney …”

From the corner of his eye he saw Lopez’s jaw drop. Claretta Neville stared at him with drops of liquid quivering in her eyes as he read her her rights, the two officers flanking her remaining stonily silent.

Claretta held his gaze for a few seconds.

“This one’s for real,” she hissed at him.

One powerful arm snapped free and whipped across Tyrell’s face with a sharp crack.

Bright pain stung his face but he did not respond, watching silently as Claretta was brusquely handcuffed by the officers and led away down the corridor.

“Go with them,” Tyrell said to Gomez, gesturing after the other officers. “Keep an eye on Claretta for me back at the station.”

As Gomez moved off with Casey and the nurse, Lopez moved to stand in front of Tyrell. “The hell d’you think you’re doing?” she whispered.

“Buying us some time,” he said quietly.

Lopez pointed abruptly down the hall. “You just booked her, for Christ’s sake! This isn’t a mercy killing, she wanted us on Daniel’s case!”

“I know,” he replied. “Daniel might have overdosed but he still had to get hold of the pills somehow.”

Lopez eyed Tyrell testily, but he saw her forcing herself to consider the possibilities.

“They said the cameras saw nobody enter or exit the room,” she said, “so he was definitely alone. The security door at the end of the hall was locked, Officer Gomez was beside it and Daniel couldn’t even feed himself let alone overdose. So if Claretta didn’t provide him with the pills, who could have?”

“Call the morgue,” Tyrell said quietly. “I want Daniel Neville’s body tested for foreign DNA samples: hair, skin, blood, anything. There was one thing we never learned about Daniel: why he alone survived these experiments.”

“Even if forensics found DNA samples, there’s no guarantee that they belong to a murderer, and how could the perp have gotten into the room without being seen on camera? Even if we could find a way, it doesn’t mean that they were in the room at the time of death.”

Tyrell nodded.

“I know, but we need everything we can get.” He hesitated, looking thoughtfully back down the corridor. “Find everything you can on Casey Jeffs, Copyright 2016 - 2024