This Coven Won't Break - Isabel Sterling Page 0,110

in the shop for an hour, and Quinn says he’s in here all the time now.

I’m sure he’s mostly here to see Lauren, but I keep catching him looking at books on the magical properties of herbs and spinning bundles of rosemary between his fingers, like there’s some small part of him that aches for the magic he lost.

Seeing him here breaks my heart. It’s the same heartache that echoes in my chest whenever Gemma talks about coming here for her lessons, still thoroughly invested in her new path despite not remembering what first sparked her interest. I hate not being able to tell her. I hate that we have secrets again, but she chose this, and until I can convince the restructuring Council to let me tell her—and I will convince them—I won’t betray that trust.

Quinn and I send another customer on their way, and the person who steps up next has their collar flipped up, a hat on their head, and dark sunglasses covering most of their face.

They don’t seem to have any purchases, either.

“Can I help you?” Before they respond, I notice a loose section of pink hair that has fallen out from under their cap. “Alice?”

“Keep it down, crystal witch. Do you want to cause a scene?”

I roll my eyes as Alice glances over each shoulder and pulls the brim of her hat lower. “What are you doing back here? Do you need to test-drive a few more insults?”

“There’s a tour stop in Boston tonight, but I have been playing with one about grass. It keeps coming out like you’re a stoner though.”

Quinn clears their throat and glances between us. “Do you know her or something?”

“Unfortunately.” The rest of the line is currently only a couple people deep. “Can you cover for me?”

“Sure.” Quinn punches in their code on the register. “Do you know if Cal is coming in tonight?”

“I’m not sure,” I lie. I know exactly where Cal is, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy.

When Cal spoke with Morgan that day at Lady Ariana’s house, he wanted to know how Blood Magic might affect surgery recovery. Morgan’s dad overheard them and helped Cal connect with a Blood Witch friend in LA who’s a plastic surgeon. Thanks to the mix of Blood Magic and modern medicine, Cal will be back in two weeks, fully healed from top surgery.

He was still nervous about letting a Blood Witch control his healing when he left for California, though. Nervous, but excited, too. I think watching Blood Witches control my coven outside Hall Pharmaceuticals helped him make the final decision.

“I’ll be right back,” I promise Quinn, and lead Alice through the Staff Only door. In the break room, where we’ll have a little privacy, Alice pulls off her hat. Her pink hair flows down her shoulders, and she props the sunglasses on the top of her head.

“What brings you to the Cauldron, Alice?”

“You.” She pulls a ring from her middle finger and removes the thin needle from along the inner part of the band. “Like I said, I’m in Boston for my show, but I’ve also been training with Fitz and Ellie. Morgan’s parents.”

“I know who they are.”

Alice rolls her eyes. “Anyway, they taught me how to unbind blood from our magic.” She pricks the pad of her finger and winces when the little bead of red wells up. “Give me your hand.”

Reluctantly, I do. Alice swipes the blood across my palm, and by the time she’s done, her magic has already healed the tiny puncture. The smear of red against my hand burns hot, but then it soaks in, slipping beneath my skin.

“What was that?” I rub my thumb over the place the blood disappeared.

“That’s me letting you go. That’s me saying I forgive you for what happened in New York. I hope you can do the same for me.” Alice’s cheeks flush red, and she tucks her hair behind her ears. “I know I play a tough game, but I honestly think what we did together—what you did to protect not just your coven but all of us—is pretty great.”

Her words are unexpectedly warm and genuine, and I find myself smiling at her. “Thanks, Alice. Really.”

“Don’t mention it.” Alice slides the sunglasses back down. “Besides, I think your girlfriend should be the only one allowed to make your heart race.” From behind her glasses, Alice waggles her eyebrows at me, and my entire face goes hot.

“Is this where we hug and promise to be friends forever?”

“Witch, please. That Copyright 2016 - 2024