Courage (Heroes of Big Sky #1) - Kristen Proby Page 0,41

it for you because she has a crush on you.”

“Whatever.” He scoffs and sets the bags of goodies in the pantry where they’re safe. “She was being neighborly.”

“She left her house at almost nine in the evening after what was most certainly a busy day at work, out of the goodness of her heart?” I laugh and get to work building the second pie. “Right.”

“You’re cynical.”

He cozies up behind me and buries his nose in my neck.

“You’re just oblivious when women think you’re hot.”

His hands roam from my hips, over my stomach, and then up to cup my breasts.

“You think I’m hot.”

“How do you know?”

He chuckles and licks the tender skin behind my ear. “Because I know. I’m not oblivious to you, and you’re the only one who matters. Who cares if Beth flirts now and then?”

“Wait, she flirts?”

“That’s not the point. I don’t care if she flirts. Or anyone else, for that matter.” He drags his nose down my neck and nibbles on the top of my shoulder. “Except maybe Jennifer Aniston. I would care if she flirted.”

“In your dreams, fireman.”

“Nah. My dreams have been full of a dark-haired beauty with the body of a goddess, who watches me with gorgeous brown eyes.”

I turn and grin up at him. “Okay, now you’re flirting with me.”

“Thank God you finally noticed.”

I chuckle and cup his face. “I have to finish this pie. But then, I’m all yours.”

“Good.” He kisses my lips and nibbles his way to the corner of my mouth. “Because I’d like to make love to you tonight. Lazy,”—he kisses my cheek—“sleepy,”—kisses my nose—“sexy,”—kisses my lips—“love to you.”

“Okay.” I sigh and allow myself a moment to breathe him in. “That sounds like a plan. After we finish these pies.”

“Tell me what to do.”

“Sit right there and talk to me.”

I point to the other side of the island and watch as he does as I ask. He sits, props his chin on his hand, and watches me work.

“Who taught you to bake like that?”

“Your mama.” I mix the apples with the sugar and cinnamon. “Monica and I were always in the kitchen with her. She taught us how to bake, to cook steaks, all the things.”

“Wait, you can cook a steak?”

“A very good one, at that.”

“You’ve been holding out on me.”

“I’ll make steak for dinner later this week.” I pop the second pie in the oven and take the first one out, setting it on the burner closest to the wall to cool. “Your parents were always good to me. I learned a lot from them.”

“They were good eggs.” He nods. “I’m glad you and Gage are starting to mend things.”

“He’s not coming to Thanksgiving tomorrow,” I inform him. “He’d already been invited to Cara and Josh’s with Seth, which is fine. But I invited him here for Christmas.”

“Good. You should.”

I nod and sit on a stool next to him. “I’m glad he’s moving back home. I don’t know what happened to make him want to get out of the Army early. He hasn’t said. But he’ll tell me eventually.”

“Have you talked to your parents?” Sam asks.

“No, why would I?”

He shakes his head. “I just wondered if you’d heard from them with Gage being here.”

“I probably won’t. I know you think that’s weird.”

“Honestly, it makes me sad for all of you,” Sam says. “Your parents are alive. You should at least be in touch with them. I know it’s a two-way street, and if they don’t reach back, that’s on them. But, damn, Tash, I’d give just about everything to be able to call my dad or have lunch with my sister.”

“I’m having lunch with Gage later this week.”

He stares down at me. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah.” I sigh, dreading the thought of that phone call. “I do. I’ll try. If they don’t try in return, that’s on them.”

“Absolutely. How much longer on the pie?”

“Thirty minutes.”

“Oh, that gives us plenty of time for part one.”

“Part one of what?”

He smiles as he reaches for me. “The fast lane.”

Chapter 12


“You’re such a jerk.”

I grin at my best friend, Liam, as he scowls at me from across his pool table.

“You’re just jealous.”

I point to the five ball and the corner pocket, aim the pool cue, and sink the ball, much to Liam’s dismay.

“Touchdown,” Callum calls out, pointing at the television. “I can’t believe how much I like American football.”

“We won’t tell anyone,” Liam says as he watches me studying the table.

The four of us—Liam, Callum, Sebastian, and I—are in what I refer Copyright 2016 - 2024