Courage (Heroes of Big Sky #1) - Kristen Proby Page 0,17

he barely brushes his fingertips down the center of my chest to my navel. When he licks the shell of my ear, I gasp.

He’s barely touching me, and I’m ready to come out of my skin.

“Let’s get this show on the road.” The words are rough, my voice thick with lust, but Sam just chuckles in my ear.

“We’re on the road,” he says. “But we’re not getting in the fast lane this time.”

“Let’s not hang out in the slow lane, either.”

I feel him smile against my skin. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to get you here, in this exact spot, Tash?”

“Ditto. But damn it, Sam, I’m in knots here. If I don’t have an orgasm stat, I’m going to come unglued—and not in a fun way. In a frustrated way. And neither of us wants that.”

“You’re right.” He leans up and nods grimly. “That would be awful.”

“Maybe the worst thing ever.”

“We can’t let that happen.”


I move to spread my legs, but he doesn’t get undressed to do me. No, that would be too normal for Sam Waters.

He’s never been predictable.

This man, this glorious, wonderful man, proceeds to scoot down the bed, and with his hands planted on both of my inner thighs to spread me, he face-plants right into the promised land.


I almost jackknife into a sitting position, but then his tongue gets busy, and all I can do is fist the bed linens and hold on for the ride of my life.

If this isn’t the fast lane, I might want to rethink going into that lane because it could very well kill me dead.

His hands no longer hold me down. Instead, he brushes his fingers up and down the skin of my thighs, making me clench and squirm. When his tongue slips through my folds and inside me, I see stars.

Shooting stars.

Explosive, shooting stars.

I come apart as I cry out, gripping Sam’s hair as I ride the delicious wave of ecstasy.

When the clouds part, Sam leisurely kisses his way up my stomach. When he reaches my breasts, he camps out and pays attention.

“For such a willowy woman, you have great boobs.”

“Ha-ha. Funny.”

“Not funny at all. True.” He licks a nipple and then blows on it, watching in fascination as it hardens. “Sexy.”

“Are we back in the slow lane?”

“Just for a minute,” he says.

I blink.

“You’re naked.”

“So are you.”

“I mean you weren’t naked just a few minutes ago. When did that happen? Are you a wizard or something, who just magically strips off his clothes?”


I stare at him, and he laughs.

“You were busy enjoying your orgasm when I took them off.”

“I didn’t get to look at you.”

He quirks an eyebrow, and with mischief in his eyes, he stands up and turns in a circle. “Better?”

“Hmm. Turn around again.”

He does as I ask, and I admire his backside. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the man has an ass to write home about. And his back muscles!

He starts to turn back around, but I just say, “Stop.”

“Do I have something stuck to my ass?”

“No, I’m just admiring it.” I sit up and scoot over so I can bite the flesh of his butt. “And we need to talk about your back.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Absolutely nothing at all. The muscle tone is crazy, Sam.”

“All the better to carry you with.” He turns, and I’m eye-level with his very impressive dick. I reach for it and look up to find his eyes narrowing as he watches me intently.

“Hi there.” I kiss the tip, the same way he did my nipples, and then blow on it.


“Oh, now you want to get in the fast lane?”

He laughs and tumbles me back onto the bed, then covers me. With those deep blue eyes trained on mine, he sheaths his cock, slides right inside and seats himself, balls-deep.

“Oh, damn.”

Tears threaten. Not because he hurt me or made me do anything I didn’t want to do. No, it’s because I’ve waited years for this. For him. I’m no virgin, but deep down, I always yearned for Sam.

And here he is.

Inside me.

And looking at me as if I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen in his life.

“You okay?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Then why do I see tears swimming in those gorgeous eyes?” He kisses my cheek and brushes his fingers through my hair.

“I’m not crying.”


I hitch my legs up higher on his hips, and he takes a long, deep breath.


“Right here, babe.”

“Holy shit, Sam.”

His lips tip up into a sweet smile. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Now, fast lane or Copyright 2016 - 2024