Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,78

with my mother often. She has helped me set up the baby’s room, but she’s not been happy we didn’t find out the sex of the baby. And every time she buys something new for the baby, it’s green or yellow. I’d mentioned maybe she should just wait until after the birth, and her reply had been priceless. “Or maybe you could just save me some money and find out the sex of the baby since you can’t expect me just to simply wait with spoiling my first grandchild.”

I sense someone in my space, and my heart races at the idea that Maddox is finally here. But, when I look up, it’s the nurse, a sweet smile covering her face. “We’re going to get you set up in your room now. It’s ready, and the doctor has just gotten here. She was surprised you weren’t back in your room yet.” I look down at my stomach. Great, this baby is already disobeying me. I told him or her not to come until Daddy got here.

“I’m not going back, not without my husband.” I hold the side of the wheelchair as another contraction hits me. They are about three minutes apart, and the pain is so freaking severe.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. The second he gets here, we’ll bring him back, I promise.”

I can’t do this without Maddox, and I’m about to tell her this in a not so nice way because labor hurts like a bitch. (If I say it in my mind, it’s not really swearing.) I cry at my inner dialogue, and she circles around to the back of my wheelchair to take me back to my suite. And when I say suite, Maddox went all out picking this hospital for the luxury, along with the experience.

“No, no. Don’t you dare move me.” The double doors open. Out of the peripheral of my eyes, my husband runs into the hospital. “Precious, I’m here. I’m here.” He kneels at me, wiping every tear off my face. “Are you ready to become a mom?”

There’s a power he gives me, with his body so close to mine. My world doesn’t work without him in it, and I let out a sigh of relief with him near me, only to reply, “I am now that you are here.”

My stare doesn’t leave her sweet little face, and it’s hard to believe how much jet black hair takes over her tiny head. “She’s perfect, Master.” It’s a habit I can’t break to call Maddox this when it’s just him and me. But he loves it, and I love pleasing him. “Can you believe we made her? We created this beautiful little being because you love me.”

“No, it’s because you saw me one night and wouldn’t let your dream go.”

I laugh because this is the first time he has said it like this, and I realize there’s one little piece of me he doesn’t know. “Could you grab my wallet out of my purse? I want to show you something, Master.”

He narrows his eyes on me but grabs my wallet. With one hand, as I cradle our little girl with one arm, I pull out the creased article I’ve carried with me for the past four years.

“I read an article about you when I was sixteen. I was so enamored by your lifestyle, and I wanted to be a part of it, but there was something about you, too, that I couldn’t ignore. I knew who I wanted that first night in the club.”

“You’ve wanted me for almost four years.” He sits near us, watching both our daughter and me.

“Yeah, and I knew then I wanted you for my entire life.”

“Look at you, my precious gem. You’re full of surprises.” He kisses my head, then places one on our daughter’s sweet face.

“Your mama had a plan and because of that, we get to love you our entire lives.” Our baby makes a little noise at him as if she’s answering him. “So what do you think about your mama? I think she’s the best thing in the world, and you will too, my sweet Gemma.”

Bonus Epilogue

Six years ago


Her voice is shaky when she finally calls me back. I’ve not been playing around. I’ll go to her brother if it’s what it takes to get an answer. I don’t want to because this will most likely destroy my friendship with him, but my concern is about Calla and her baby girl.

“I don’t have long, Anton, but I’ll be Copyright 2016 - 2024