Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,59

are. “And call 911.”

He leaves me, grabbing his keys for the front door; he circles the condo, his flashlight in one hand and his phone to his ear in the other. The emotions coursing through my body have me grinding my teeth as my muscles quiver. I refused to give this man anymore of my tears. After everything he’s done tonight, I won’t surrender anymore control to Drake Danner.

Maddox slips back into his car, and as the light illuminates the inside, beads of sweat drip from his forehead. His stare is straight ahead, gripping the steering wheel with so much force, as he draws in slow breaths.

He doesn’t offer any information, and I watch his profile. His nostrils begin to flare. I’m about to ask him something, anything, when his hand begins to beat the steering wheel of his Camaro. “That son of a bitch.” His words are controlled but almost too controlled. How can someone be this calm, even the very put together Maddox Sobota?

“I’m so sorry…” He cuts his gaze to me. I instantly quiet, and his composure is a little unsettling, as if this is just the calm in the storm, and the hurricane with him will strike soon.

“Don’t you understand? None of this is your fault, Jewel. Not one thing is your doing. My anger stems from the fact that he could have hurt you tonight. He could still hurt you.”

I jerk away from him, out of surprise for his reaction, but then again, how can I blame the fury that radiates from every part of his body. His fingers reach for my knees when the blue and red lights of the police almost blind us.

“Stay here, I’ll deal with this.” His command is final and I do as I’m asked. I yank my phone from my purse, with a text from an unknown number. I hesitate to open it, but there’s no way this psycho has my new cell. With trembling hands, I inhale a relief at the message.

Unknown number: Honey, it’s Eve. Chadwick just told me what happened. We are on our way to get you while Maddox deals with the cops. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, but I promise between Maddox, Chadwick, and the other boys, this will be dealt with. See you soon.

I’m sure to save the message under Eve when Maddox opens the passenger side of the car. His hand extends to mine, and when he pulls me from the car, his entire body surrounds mine. “I’m sorry if I scared you before. It’s just if anything were to happen to you…” He stops abruptly. “Well, I’m not even going to entertain this. But you need to give your statement. The police are clearing the house. Once they do, I’ll pack us some clothes and meet you at the club because—”

“Chadwick and Eve are coming to get me.” I finish his sentence, and he simply places the palm of my hand on his chest over his heart.

“Is there any way I can persuade you to let me stay with you, Master?” I don’t want to leave him. I won’t show my fear because it’s one more way Drake wants to control me, but when I’m in Maddox’s care, I’m the most safe.

Kissing the bridge of my nose, he gives me a shrug. I’ve come to find out with this low and loose sort of shoulder shrug, there’s no changing his mind. “That’s a solid no, precious. I love you so much, the thought of you being here scares me. If there’s anyone who I trust with you, it’s Chadwick.”

My eyes widen, and my gaze stays on him as my mouth falls open at his declaration.

“What?” he asks, an innocence in his voice.

“You love me, like really love me?”

He stops, and I can see the wheels turn as he understands what he’s shared. “Shit, this is not the way I wanted to tell you, but, fuck, nothing seems to be going according to plan. But I won’t let him steal this because yes, Jewel Atkins, I can’t explain how these feelings have come upon me so quickly, but I love you so fucking much, and the idea of you hurt scares the holy living hell out of me.”

I throw my arms around him as the police officers exit the house. But this won’t be ruined. “I love you, too, Maddox Sobota, more than I can ever explain.”

He holds me tight as if a crazy man isn’t bent on making Copyright 2016 - 2024