Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,48

of weeks, we’ll renegotiate, and you have to understand with your safe word, you can always say no.” I give him a little bob of my head. “So here are the items I take a hard line on.”

I begin to read it to myself when he instructs, “Read it out loud, gem.”

You will refer to me as Master during all scenes. I will be Master in the privacy of our home and in the club.

You will kneel before me when I come into the home as well as when I’m with those who are in the BDSM lifestyle. Certain restrictions apply—mainly if my family is with me.

You will undress and walk around the house naked when I return home.

You will cook.

You will never leave me in bed.

I will pick all your clothes for BDSM play.

I will allow you to dress yourself unless I ask for something specific.

Aftercare is not an option.

You will go to school or get a job, of your choosing, that I will approve of.

You will speak with me before making plans.

You will sleep eight hours a day and will exercise thirty minutes. This is for your

health and nothing more.

And you will submit to discipline if I deem it necessary.

As I read them out loud, nothing really stands out to me, and it’s all normal BDSM-related things I’ve come to expect.

“Gem, this is your chance to ask me questions or tell me what you find hard for you. It doesn’t mean it will be changed, but we’ll talk about it.”

“Can I cook with clothes on?” I ask, and this makes him laugh. “It’s just that I’m afraid of getting burns in certain tender areas.”

“How about we leave a robe down here for you?” he suggests with an amused grin on his face. I give him a nod, as I continue to go through the list. “Are you okay cooking? It seems like something you enjoy, and I’d prefer not to eat out as often.”

“I’d love to cook for you, Master.” The title flows off my lips so easily.

This seems to please him. “Anything else?”

“To be honest, Master, the only thing I’m not keen on is being naked, but if it pleases you, it pleases me.”

His eyes drift away for a second as if he’s deep in thought. “I’ll consider a panty and bra set?”

“Yes, Master,” I answer.

“It will be at my discretion. I dream of coming home to you naked, but there are times I can accept you need a little covering.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Chapter Seventeen


I had to threaten discipline if she didn’t start spending my money. I’d taken her to the furniture store, and I couldn’t get her to choose anything. I finally figured out her style and chose a couple of pieces, mainly a couch and bed and small table.

It was the same issue when we’d gone to pick out some clothes. I leaned into her ear, holding her hand. “You have a thousand dollars to spend, and for each dollar you don’t spend, you’ll get a spanking.”

She grins with a wicked smile. “Okay, so you’re more of a masochist, aren’t you?” I ask.

Giving me a little wink, she walks through the store, pulling three items each. Three pairs of jeans, three pairs of shorts, three dresses, three sets of pajamas, three pairs of shoes, and three pairs of yoga pants. She grabs seven tops and seven pairs of underwear. I had to laugh at her restraint. She did go a little more wild with the makeup.

Pulling back up at the condo, I don’t park in my driveway, but in the driveway next door. “What are we doing, Master?” I’ll never tire of her calling me this.

“Welcome home. I don’t want you too far from me. I bought this for my sister after she had my niece so I could help her. And when she moved out, I never sold it. It’s just a small one-bedroom, but it makes sense to have you near me while also having your own space if you need it.”

For two days, I only watch her. She does what’s on my list. It’s the weekend, and I take the time to spoil her, and with all my boys in town, they have the club for me.

We’re home from a movie, a Marvel movie her father never allowed her to see. “I’m going to get started on dinner soon if that’s okay with you, Master?”

She begins to undress as she has for the past couple of days when we are in my home. Copyright 2016 - 2024