Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,42

I have nothing else to do but listen.

“I understand her choices go against her dad’s beliefs. However, there’s nothing Victoria could do, besides being a pedophile, that would make me disown her. And to not let her mom say goodbye.”

This is Mr. Crimpson, who views me as a second daughter, and the anger in his voice is palpable. Mrs. Crimpson continues, “It’s a hard pill to swallow for him, I get it, but to just up and leave her stuff there. I’m not sure I can go back to church and listen to his sermons. And if she needs a place to stay, she’s welcome here.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I hate leaving the church, but I can’t follow a man who does this to his daughter. Even if her decisions are a little unconventional.” At this moment, it doesn’t erase the hurt of my parents, but it helps me understand I’m important to others, too.

My eyes are closed, but I’m unable to sleep. My tears have stopped because I think I’ve cried them all out. There’s a shift in the sofa, and Tori is sitting on the floor against it, just to be near me. This is what we’ve always done for one another in our friendship.

“You’ll always have a home with us, Jewel.” She’s always called me Jewel well before I changed my name for the club and lifestyle I love so much. I’m about to answer her when a loud knock gets our attention, and Mr. Crimpson stops in front of me.

“If that’s your father, he won’t be welcomed in this house. Are you okay with this, honey?”

I nod my head, but I hope it’s my mom, coming to my defense, choosing me for the first time. My heart falls when I hear a masculine voice, and I’m glad I don’t have to face my dad. As the door closes, I’m expecting Mr. Crimpson in front of me with an unreadable expression on his face, but I turn my head to the side and see Maddox as he empties the space between us in less than a second.

“Jewel.” Mr. Crimpson’s deep baritone voice raises an octave or two and he tilts his head toward me, making strong eye contact. “You know, we love you like a second daughter. This doesn’t change anything with us.” He steps to the side, moving his body, where he can see both of us. “Would you like some privacy?” This has always been Mr. and Mrs. Crimpson’s influence in my life. Assuring me that I’m okay being me. With a smile that reaches my face, although it hurts, he leaves with a backward glance, making sure I’m okay one last time.

Tori pushes to her feet. “I’ll leave you two for now.” She lowers, giving me a kiss on the cheek, and before I can sit up, Maddox is on his knees in front of me. The product of the door on my face is no longer the focal point of it as I can feel my father’s handprint growing in pain on the left side of my cheek.

“What did he do to you, gem? How did he know?”

I’m not going to tell him my father slapped me so hard, it caused me to fall over. No, it can wait. But I do tell him the answer to his second question.

“Drake drove to my house and told my father I’d gotten involved with a man who used me for sex. All my stuff was in a pile in the driveway. My mother didn’t even get to say goodbye to me.”

He moves my face to one side, where the bruise hurts like a mother plucker. As he attempts to cup my chin, he barely touches it when I wince. “Fuck, gem. I have the mind to go over and do the same to him.”

I touch his hand as he removes it from my face. “Please don’t.” My first concern is for my mother.

“No, not now, but there will be a point I talk to the man and my only worry in the here and now is you. I want to take you back to my home until I can get your apartment set up. But…”

It’s my turn to cup his face. “I trust you. It’s you. It’s always been you.” And as he pulls me up, I fall in his arms, and he holds me as I let it all out—with the only man I want in my life.

Chapter Fifteen


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