Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,40

had a Dom tell me he was taking my kitten away, I’d fucking beat his ass. That went as well as could be expected, asshole.”

“There’s truth in what he said,” Jared chirps in.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walk Danner’s path of destruction, and I begin to pick up the chairs. Yeah, it could have gone better, but it could have gone worse. All I care about is that I got the girl.

Chapter Fourteen


I’m on cloud nine all day long, even with the misery of my nose and the fact that everyone asks me what in the world I’ve done to myself. But even with all of this, I can’t keep my mind off Maddox.

My shift ends a little bit early, and I crawl into my truck at nine p.m. Having left my phone in the cab of this beat-up vehicle I’ll miss, I’m assaulted by the influx of texts and phone calls. I shouldn’t be surprised by Drake’s continuous phone calls, and I skip his texts.

The only texts I care to look at are Maddox’s. I take it the conversation with Drake and him didn’t go well.

M. S: Call me when you get done with work before you start driving. I can’t imagine your death trap has Bluetooth.

I laugh at his little dig, but he only wants to keep me safe.

I hit his number and wait for him to pick up, which he does on the second ring.

“Precious, you’re off work early? Right?”

“Hey, yes, Sir, I am. It’s all because Mr. Hallet didn’t want me to stay at all. He was going to send me home, but I really didn’t want to go home that early. But at least I can spend some time with my mom tonight.”

He’s being quiet, letting me tell him about my day. It fills me with flutters, and I want to throw myself into his arms.

“Are you in a lot of pain?” he asks.

I don’t know if I’ve just gotten used to the pain or if it’s subsiding. “Actually, it’s not as painful as it looks,” I explain. But the only thing I want to know is what went on between Drake and him.

“How did things go with Drake? I have to tell you he has blown up my phone like crazy.”

It’s muffled, but there’s an evident slew of swear words leaving his mouth.

“Well, in clarity, Chadwick told me if anyone had tried to take his Eve from him, he’d take them out, and that I was lucky he only threw chairs around and broke several dozen glasses.”

“He. Did. What?” I ask, methodically slow, not able to even comprehend Drake carrying on like Maddox had just explained.

“Yeah, it could have been a lot worse. Now listen to me and listen to me well. I don’t want you to answer any of his texts or phone calls. I want you to delete them. I will take care of it. Go straight home, do not stop anywhere, and by tomorrow morning, you will be in my protection, okay?”

“Yes, Sir,” I answer.

“I’m going to trust that you’ll do what I ask of you, precious.”

“I have no desire to disobey you, Sir.”

He chuckles on the other end. “Good girl. Now, text me when you get home, okay?”

“Yes, Sir.” We end the call, and I start my drive home, with only thoughts of Maddox on my mind.

Pulling into our driveway as it winds down into a small ravine, I follow the curves in the road and am a bit nostalgic when I realize it will be a long time before I navigate my parents’ long driveway if they can’t accept my decisions.

Pulling around the last bit of trees blocking our old farmhouse, I brake fast at a large pile of things in the spot where I usually park my beat-up truck. I can’t pull any farther in, and I open the door with very little light showcasing what the heck is going on.

As I walk closer, I gasp, so loud, it sounds like a scream. Heck, it could be a scream. I’m so lost as to what I’m looking at, but at the same time, I know that everything in my parking spot is all items from my bedroom.

I glance up to the small porch attached to our kitchen, the way we all leave the house from, and my mother is standing there, staring at me. I can hear her, as our eyes connect, along with her sobs. My father opens the door, and I’m limp. I can’t move. I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024