Corruption - Leigh Lennon Page 0,17

can stop my descent because I don’t believe him, not for a second.

Chapter Six


The dairy farm has the cutest little country store, and it’s where Mr. Hallet chooses to train me. “Eventually, all my employees rotate. Next, we’ll train you in milking and some behind-the-scenes responsibilities. But for now, this will be your job.”

It’s not what I want—simply because it wasn’t my choice, and for this very reason, it’s what makes the job so miserable—but I recognize it could be worse. “Tomorrow, I’d like you here at two. It will be your first eight-hour shift, so be sure to get your rest.”

Again, the choice has been taken out of my hands, and I give him an appreciative smile. The man, a deacon in my dad’s church, is a decent, caring person. And from seeing how he interacts with his own children, he treats them with respect.

“Thank you, Mr. Hallet.” I untie my apron he had me wear in the store, making my way to my truck and my cell phone, which I’ve not had for the past four hours. Opening the first text, it’s from my father.

The Warden: Mr. Hallet told me you were at work, ready to go. I’ll see you at home tonight.

The next text is from Tori.

Tori: Hey, how did the first day go? So, I have your outfit ready at the house. You can use my car in case your warden comes by. I hope you have a good time tonight. See you later.

Tori has a boyfriend that she spends many late nights with. Her parents, again, have given her the tools and the trust for her to make her own choices. Her parents also turn a blind eye to me staying at the house and using Tori’s car to drive to the club, though no one, not even Tori, knows about this part of my life.

The next text is from Drake, and this gives me a reason to grin. I can feel it spread across my face because from the second I left the club, I’d been hopeful. Hopeful Drake would squash all my feelings for Maddox.

Drake: Hey, beautiful. The address to the restaurant is below. We have reservations for ten p.m. Please call me if you need anything at all. And don’t be late.

I remember, and thanks to Maddox, I have a feeling Drake will continue to remind me of my tardiness. I’m about to pocket the phone when another text comes in from my dad.

The Warden: I expect you home tonight.

Ah, poop on a corndog. This is just like him.

Me: I’m going to crash at Tori’s tonight. It’s closer to the farm, and I’m beat. I’ve done what you asked of me. Please, can I stay there tonight?

My dad, as unreasonable as he is, will most likely allow this—because I had given in to him by showing up at work. My fingers begin to quiver as I wait for his return text, hoping for once he doesn’t attempt to railroad something good for me.

The Warden: Ok, but tomorrow, I expect you home at ten to do your chores. And that truck better not go anywhere once you make it to Tori’s house.

Oh, the truck won’t go anywhere. Me, on the other hand, that’s a whole other story.

The address isn’t far from the club in Ballard. It’s high-end, as everything with Drake screams. He’s instructed me to let the valet park my car, and because this may be a test of my submissive nature, I simply reply to his text yes.

He’s at the valet as I pull up in Tori’s Prius, and the suit on his beautiful body fits like a glove. Because I’m at the mercy of Tori, who’s a couple of inches smaller than I am, my skirt is a tad bit shorter than I’d choose for myself. With the effect of the heels, my legs look even longer. I open the door, and with one shake of Drake’s head, I stop.

He stalks around the hood, and his light brown hair, with sun-kissed blond streaks, does make him easy on the eyes. With his high cheekbones, almost bronzed skin, and the little panty-melting grin he imparts, my entire body is ignited by his charismatic charm.

His large hand pulls at the handle on the door, and as he extends his other hand, his long fingers interlace with mine while he helps me out. He frees his one hand from the car door, tipping my chin to his, then lowers his mouth and brushes Copyright 2016 - 2024