Conveniently Convicted (Paranormal Prison) - Ivy Asher Page 0,90

it nears, the SUV starts to slow down, and I curse. Maybe they just want to rubber neck as they pass? Or offer me a phone? I tense and step off the road to let them go by unobstructed, but they stop at my side instead.

Fuck. A second goes by where I just stare at my scraggly reflection in the dark window before it rolls down. And then I’m suddenly staring at Trex, Alpha Bowen’s second-in-command.

Fear and anger boils up my throat until I’m spitting mad. “Oh, come on!” I throw my head back and shout up to the sky. “Lube a girl up before you fuck her in the ass!”

How the hell did he find out and get here so fast?

I shake my head at the stupid question. Of course the guards on Alpha Bowen’s payroll called him, probably before I was even out of the gate. I take a step back and Trex’s eyes narrow slightly. They silently say that if I run, he’ll track me, and he won’t give up until I’m cornered like prey. I’m pretty much already cornered like prey, and running on a good day isn’t my jam, so here I stand.

We just stare at each other. He doesn’t say anything, but then again, he doesn’t need to. We both know the position I’m in and the scary lack of options in front of me. He doesn’t need to threaten or wave the contract in my face. His presence alone reinforces what Alpha Bowen has been communicating from the beginning...I’m never getting away from him.

I sigh and switch my weight from one foot to the other as I come to terms with what I’m about to do. I can’t shift, and I need to find a way to save my lounge. I may hate it, but I can’t logically deny that Alpha Bowen might be my best option. Emotion sits like an anvil on my chest, and my eyes sting as I work to swallow it back down. I look over in the direction of Nightmare Penitentiary and take a deep breath as my heart screams for me not to do this.

But I have to.

I turn back to Trex and give him a nod.

“Wise choice, Miss Denali,”

He opens the door and hops out before holding the door open for me and gesturing for me to get in. I stare at the inside of the car as if it’s a whole new kind of prison, but there’s nothing that can be done about it now.

I climb into the leather-clad back seat, and Trex skirts the back of the vehicle and gets in on the other side. The driver and the other unfamiliar shifter sitting in the front seat don’t even acknowledge me. As soon as both car doors are shut, the SUV resumes its course down the dirt road.

I can feel Trex’s weighted stare on the side of my face as I stare out the window. I feel the unspoken words hanging on the tip of his tongue in the air like humidity that’s bogging me down. But the inside of the vehicle stays silent.

After a minute, he sets something in my lap, and I look down to discover a thin black blindfold. I pick it up and stare at it, like the inescapable fate it represents. Trex arches a brow, almost daring me to put up a fight.

I sigh and slip it over my eyes and get lost to the darkness.

At least it will hide my tears.

I’ve never been around much fanciness before in my life.

Being the daughter of the matriarch and patriarch had its advantages of course, but our lounge was stingy. Comfortable, sure, but nothing ever over-the-top.

So the last forty-eight hours have been almost unnerving. After sleeping in the luxury SUV for an indeterminable amount of time, I blinked, bleary-eyed, and found myself at a private airport, sans blindfold. The private plane was small but nice, and Trex had new clothes waiting for me to change into. I tried not to be weirded out by the fact that the underwear, jeans, and T-shirt fit me perfectly. After cleaning up and getting changed, I ate an entire platter of overpriced cheese and wine before promptly falling asleep again.

And now I’

When Trex put the blindfold on me again to take me from the plane to the car, and the car to...wherever the hell I am now, he didn’t tighten it enough, so there’s a gap between the fabric and my skin.

Now I’m sitting in Copyright 2016 - 2024