Conveniently Convicted (Paranormal Prison) - Ivy Asher Page 0,89

amount of magic pulsing off it, but I pace back and forth like a caged lion as I scream at him. “I don’t deserve this, you piece of shit! I didn’t help Zen escape. I never even wanted out. My death is gonna be on your head, shadow eater. And I swear on everything, I’m going to hunt you down and feed you to a foul-assed Drake!” I bellow, irate while I mock-spit on the ground.

The Warden just shakes his head dismissively. “You have five minutes to get away from my prison, or I’ll have you tased. And be careful with your threats, Miss Denali. Something like that could get you locked up again, and we both know who would come out on top in that scenario.” With that, he turns on his heel and strides away from me.

I wish I could shift and peck him to death, pick him up in my talons and drop him over and over again on a ton of sharp rocks. I want to burn this place to the fucking ground. And honestly, I don’t know what’s worse: sending me out here to wander aimlessly to my death, or bringing me so low that I envy a piece of shit dragon’s fire breathing ability. Fucking Drakes.

I pick up my bag and stomp away on a rage-filled scream that would give a banshee a run for her money. I’m so fucking pissed and helpless. It’s like the worst emotion combo ever, and I hate it.

I flip off Nightmare Penitentiary as I start to make my way down the road. There’s no sendoff, no time for goodbyes. They didn’t even let me go to my cell to grab my own things. Nope, they just tossed me out. Let Sinclair get eaten by whatever fucked up shit lives in the woods that surround this shithole of a prison. I didn’t even get to eat first.

Dust kicks up at my feet as I stomp down the dirt road that leads away from the paranormal prison. With a churning stomach, I look back at its looming presence one more time. “Bye, Rook,” I whisper. Then I face forward and try to figure out how the fuck I’m going to keep myself alive.


I feel like I’ve been walking forever.

Then again, I thought that same thing when I was in the evil labyrinth basement, and it had only been a couple of hours, so maybe I’m not the best judge.

I check over my shoulder and realize that I can’t see the prison anymore, so at least I know my steps have been making progress. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m thirsty and mad, and there’s not a sign of civilization anywhere around me.

“Could have given me a bottled water, you prick!” I yell to the heavens, as if the Warden will somehow hear it. “Bet you’d hate it if I died from something boring like dehydration,” I tell the shadows around me. “What will you jerk off to at night for your evil spank bank?”

I just need to find a phone. If I can get that sorted, then I can call Dinah. I know she’s already off the grid with her rogue parents, and that’s exactly where I need to be so I can prepare for everything. But there’s nothing out here other than gray clouds, trees, and this never-ending dirt road that I’m just wandering angrily down. It’s going to get dark soon, and I have a feeling that being out here after nightfall is not a fun place to be.

After another hour or so of walking, I look up at a noise that pulls me from my troubled thoughts. It takes me a moment to peg it, but then I realize it’s the distinct sound of tires driving over packed dirt and rocks.

I spin around to find a black SUV with dark tinted windows driving down the road behind me. It’s closing the distance fast, and all I can think is, well...this probably isn’t good.

I clutch my bag of crap, debating for a minute whether or not I want to make a run for it to the tree line, but I doubt that would help. At this point, whoever is driving can see me, and without me being able to shift, I can’t outrun a car.

Then again...I snort at my narcissism in thinking that whoever is in that vehicle is here for me. Nightmare Penitentiary is huge. Whoever is driving probably has nothing to do with me.

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