Conveniently Convicted (Paranormal Prison) - Ivy Asher Page 0,87

offended for not seeming like a good enough criminal, but I wisely keep my mouth shut.

“Correct,” the vampire says, calling everyone’s attention back to him. “We have a letter here from the prosecuting judge with his recommendations for early release with a probationary period of your remaining sentence, plus two years. We also have letters from several prison guards that speak of your good behavior.”

Good behavior? What the fuck?

My eyes fly over to the Warden.

“Yes, the Warden has also put in his statement recommending your early release.”

The shadows shift around the male where he stands, and he nods in my direction with a creepy as fuck grin. “Like I said, I want you out of my prison,” he states, echoing his earlier words to me.

He wanted me out of his prison, so he decided to give me early release? This fucker knew my initial plan was to stay for as long as possible. He played dirty.

I’m so caught off guard by this turn of events that I’m not even sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I’m relieved to be getting out now that I know I have to face shit. It also means I can get away from the guards and the Warden. But on the other hand...I haven’t prepared for facing my mat or Alpha Bowen. And Rook...I’ll be leaving Rook behind for good. My heart squeezes painfully. I’m not ready. I’m not nearly ready yet for anything.

“But...I knocked over some guards while I was in my cockatrice form,” I argue. “I made illegal paraphernalia and weapons for other inmates. I should definitely be serving out more of my sentence here. Really make sure I learn my lesson,” I blurt, scrambling at straws.

“Sporks and Jolly Ranchers don’t count as weapons,” the Warden drawls, rolling his eyes. “Child’s play compared to the real criminals in the deeper recesses of Nightmare Penitentiary.”

“But...I went to solitary confinement,” I point out. “How can I be commended for my good behavior when I was sent there?”

The Warden’s scowl deepens, and his shadows thicken. I automatically cower in my seat. I probably shouldn’t be fighting this, especially not to the Warden’s face, but this is happening way too fucking fast, dammit!

“Everyone gets sent to solitary. It’s a good learning tool for inmates.”

He’s good. He’s very good.

I look back at the people around the table. “I’m totally up for being released early...but, like, in a month. I vote for that. I get a vote, right?”

Everyone frowns at me. I guess this isn’t the normal reaction for a prisoner earning early release.

The vampire clears his throat. “No, you don’t get a vote,” he says somewhat scathingly. He looks around the table. “All in favor?” he asks, and he’s met with every single hand being raised in the air. “Good.” His eyes land back on me. “The parole board has officially decided to grant you early release, Sinclair Denali. You’re to report to the Warden’s office to gather your things, and then you’re dismissed. You’ll have to meet up with a parole officer every week, and you have some other conditions to your parole like counseling, but aside from that, your time is done here at Nightmare Penitentiary.”

There’s more talking, instructions and rules to be followed, more shuffled papers, and then people get up to leave. I’m in a daze as I’m led away with the Warden, all the way back to his office where I’m suddenly being formally discharged.

It all happens so fucking fast.

“Don’t ever come to my prison again,” the Warden snarls at me. “If I ever see you standing outside the gates, know that you’re not getting out of here alive. I’d rather kill you than deal with the shit that accompanies you. Do you even know what I’m going to have to deal with because your boyfriend made it possible for an inmate to escape?”

I open my mouth to correct the whole your boyfriend thing, but he glares at me and grabs the cuffs at my wrists roughly, so I shut the fuck up. He unlocks them and leans down and snaps a smooth metallic anklet around me instead. “Part of your parole,” he says with a smirk. I’m too shocked to even process it.

I’m trying to wrap my mind around what the hell I’m going to do now. I need a phone. I need to call Dinah and see if she can help me lay low until I figure out my next move. Fuck, I’m really not ready for this.

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