Conveniently Convicted (Paranormal Prison) - Ivy Asher Page 0,80

was pouring out of my mouth. I legit thought you were Swamp Thing ready to eat me,” I tell him, a teasing lilt to my tone.

“Oh, I’m definitely going to eat you,” Rook says with a cocky smirk, and then he quickly yanks me against his body as his mouth crashes down to mine.

His kiss consumes me as we parry back and forth, trading ownership of each other’s lips and tongues. Everything inside of me heats and melts and gushes as he demands everything I have to give with his kiss, and I let him have it all.

When he finally pulls away, both of us are breathless. It takes several moments for us to come back down to earth from the life-altering make out session.

“So. What were you saying?” Rook taunts.

I clear my throat, my fingers grazing over my swollen lips. “That I like you very, very much,” I answer with a sweet smile.

“And don’t you forget it,” he replies, looking very smug.

“Oh no,” I declare, grabbing my head and looking panicked. “It’s slipping away. Quick! I need you to remind me again,” I announce dramatically and then pucker my lips.

Rook laughs, but instead of kissing me stupid again, he slaps my ass. I bite my lip as he once again laces our fingers together and leads the way out.

“I can’t wait until you’re out of here and I can tie you up and fuck that naughty little mouth of yours, just the way you deserve,” he purrs.

My stomach does somersaults. “Mmmm, promises, promises,” I mock.

“I’m a male of my word, Sunrise,” he crows cockily, and I giggle and clench my thighs at the thought of being tied down and dominated by him. He’ll find out pretty quickly how much I love to dish it and take it.

A steady stream of all the scandalous things I want to do to him starts running through my mind. I stop again and Rook looks back to see what’s up. He takes one look at the desire banked in my green gaze, and his pupils dilate.

“You sure we can’t find a nice dark, non-haunted corner so I can show you some tongue tricks?” I question, my tone dripping with pure sex and seduction.

Rook’s pants tent, and I lick my lips, wanting him deep in my throat. Right. Fucking. Now.

“Oh, you found her! Was she making a run for it?” a guard’s voice rings out, surprising the shit out of me as he rounds a corner.

I snap a glare in his direction, and Rook drops my hand like it’s a hot coal and steps away from me.

He clears his throat. “No. Turns out the troll on the roof was trying to make a break for it and took her hostage. She got away and then got lost running from him,” Rook tells him.

I try not to roll my eyes or rip Rook’s pants open and just go to town despite the interruption, while he discretely tries to adjust his hard-on.

“Why don’t you call off the search and go fill the Warden in on what happened? I’ll get the inmate put back in her cell,” Rook tells him casually, and the other guard nods and turns back the way he came.

As soon as the guard is out of sight again, Rook’s hand comes down to take mine and we walk in silence. When we make it up to the normal, fluorescent-lit hallways that I recognize, he drops my hand again, and I feel the loss deeply.

For once, I find myself hating the gray prison uniform I’m wearing. I hate the fact that I have to be stuck behind bars and that I’m not allowed to fraternize with this gorgeous male beside me. I did this to myself, but I never thought I’d meet someone in here and that I’d regret losing my freedoms.

Rook broods silently as we walk, and I’m not sure what to do about it. I don’t like the constant interruptions of our intimate times either, but this is Nightmare Penitentiary. I’m an inmate and he’s a guard, and until that changes, we’ll just have to figure out how to make it work.

I don’t say any of that though, because if he wanted to talk about whatever is bothering him, he would. When we reach my cell, Rook opens it and motions for me to go in. I turn around, about to ask when I’ll see him again, but he follows me in, and I bump right into his chest.

He steadies me, and Copyright 2016 - 2024