Conveniently Convicted (Paranormal Prison) - Ivy Asher Page 0,15

to lick every inch of their body until they worshipped me, and then promptly rip their head off. I study him for a beat. He could be telling the truth, or he could be a very skilled plant.

I tilt my head down and look up at him through my lashes. My bright green eyes are filled with contrition and my posture just a skosh shy of submissive. Two can play this game.

“Then I’m sorry for hitting you...twice,” I tell him sweetly. I let my gaze rake over him appreciatively and keep my smile from going wider when I notice his pupils dilate. “Mercy looks good on you,” I purr. “But I promise, you don’t want to see me take mine off either.”

I push off from the wall and move slowly toward him. His kissable lips part slightly, but his relaxed mien doesn’t budge. All I want to do is nibble on him and find out if he tastes as good as he looks. He doesn’t budge as I close the distance between us. There’s no hint of worry. No tensing of his well-developed muscles. He’s confident that between the two of us, he’d win. How cute.

I stop inches away from him and move my own head so he can get a good look at all the pretty colors in my hair. A smile twitches at the corner of his lips, but he tamps it down. I stand there and just watch him, giving him a little taste of the awkward silence he fed me earlier. I give his bright hair one last glance and then offer him a seductive smile as I lean in.

“You stay away from me, and I’ll stay away from you,” I declare, and then I crack open the door and purposefully rub against his side as I duck out of the room. The door closes with a click behind me, and I smile, unable to help it. I walk down the gray hallway, with no idea where I am in the prison. I figure someone will stop me at some point and tell me where to go. I hold up the Velcro name tag I just silently ripped off the cockatrice’s uniform as I swing left around a corner.

I read the name that’s been stitched on it. Well, Officer Rook, I think I’ll ask around about you. I smile at my sleight of hand and picture him noticing the missing name tag later and wondering where it went. I chuckle at the thought and high five myself for my mad skills. Prison is going to be so much fun.

Now to find Zen and find out about that shank shack customer list I asked for earlier.


I stop in my tracks. Grinding my jaw, I pull my other hand forward and stare at my empty palm for a blink. That worm! He stole the vial I had in my hand!

I shake my head, lost between irritation and mirth. What a shit. I chuckle, impressed by the ballsy move, and continue back down the hall in the direction I hope my cell is.

Touché, Officer Rook. Touché.


“I’ve seen some shit.”

I nod in commiseration at the female wolf shifter where she sits against the chain link fence in our recreation yard. Recreation yard is putting it nicely. It’s basically just a huge square of dirt and weeds and the occasional concrete piece broken off from where there used to be a sidewalk.

“You haven’t seen shit,” the gorgon with the harmless eyes counters. She doesn’t hang out with the other ones or have to wear a blindfold, and they sneer at each other every chance they get. “Until you’ve walked in on someone shoving a sub sandwich up their ass, you’re still a newb.”

Someone else titters. “That was hilarious.”

“Oh, go flick your clit. I’ve seen plenty of shit,” the wolf, Sophie, says. “I’ve been in here longer than you have!”

The red snakes on the female’s head hiss. “We’ve been in here for five years.”

“So have I!” Sophie growls.

Zen’s eyes shoot over to the female, and I see her lotus flower tattoo gleam beneath her eye. Just like that, the anger between the two immediately dissipates, and they sigh on a calming breath.

“Sorry, Sophie,” snake-hair says.

The wolf shifter is too blissed out on Zen’s zen power to reply. She tips her head back and breathes it in, her whole body relaxing. “I love that shit, Zen.”

Our leader just smirks and continues to sit with her legs crossed as she retwists some of her Copyright 2016 - 2024