Conspiracies (Mercedes Lackey) - By Mercedes Lackey Page 0,74


“My brother Teddy, of course, who will be directing the new computer-training courses.”

Teddy Rider gave a little wave; he was as blond as Mark was dark, and had the most penetrating blue eyes Spirit had ever seen. He seemed to be looking through the students for someone.

“Anastus Leontivich Ovcharenko, who will be directing some of the new defense courses and supervising the installation of new defenses here at Oakhurst.” Another blond, this one very Russian looking, stalked like a prowling tiger across the stage to join the others. Spirit was startled to see he was wearing body armor under his suit jacket, and was openly carrying some sort of large firearm in a shoulder holster. “Anastus has been head of Breakthrough’s security division for the last year. He’ll be joined by Mia Singleton and Zachary York, who will be taking over the defenses here once the new installations are complete, as well as assisting him with martial arts and other classes. Ms. Singleton and Mr. York should be arriving this afternoon.” Mark Rider paused significantly; Doctor Ambrosius signaled what was expected by beginning the applause.

When it died down again, Rider leaned over the podium. “Make no mistake about this, kids. This is going to be a war, and it might last longer than we hope. We’re not sure if it will break out into the open or not, but even if it doesn’t, when it’s over, the world is likely to be a very different place, because this will spill out into the world. But we’re going to keep you all safe until you have the strength and the skill to stand with us. And we aren’t the only ones who will be doing so. There are more of us out there than any of you guess, and we aren’t going to let you down. As they can free themselves up, the rest of the Oakhurst family will be coming here to answer the call to arms. But for right now? When we’re done, only an idiot would try attacking this place.” He grinned. “So you can turn the watch over to us. And when you’re ready, we are all going to kick some serious ass!”

The room exploded in applause.

* * *

When they filed out, the area next to the gym was already swarming with a construction crew. Spirit had no idea how they were actually going to build anything in the middle of winter, but by midafternoon she had her answer. They’d erected a giant inflatable building over the site, a construction that was presumably going to make it possible to lay and cure a foundation. She’d seen similar buildings used for Indian casinos; they were easy enough to keep warm inside. There was already a separate generator out there, and Spirit heard a rumor that it was actually a hydrogen fuel cell able to supply enough power for all of Radial.

By evening, the school had already taken on a different tone. It was subtle, but obvious. Students who’d been looking over their shoulders ever since the New Year’s Dance were beginning to relax and go back to normal—well, Oakhurst normal, which meant that people were already scheming on how to get into the game design classes or some of the specialized “defense” classes. Just before sunset, the Russian, Anastus Ovcharenko, had been seen supervising the setup of what could only be a shooting range. The Refectory buzzed, and for the first time in weeks, Muirin, Burke, Loch, and Addie looked at ease.

Spirit, however, was not at ease. Nothing about this felt right, starting with the way Ms. Holland had just been erased from Oakhurst without a murmur—right after she’d tried to warn Loch and Burke.

They moved from the Refectory out to the lounge, and Addie set up the Monopoly board as usual. Spirit was determined to wake them out of this complacent state. “So Loch found this video on the system in the train,” she began, “and one of the townies was saying—”

“Whoa, Spirit, give it a rest,” Loch interrupted. “We don’t have to worry now. The cavalry’s here.”

“The—what?” she managed, staring at him. “Are you nuts? After what Ms. Holland said to you, and then she just gets replaced? Doesn’t that seem the least little bit fishy to you?”

Loch shrugged. “And Ms. Holland could have been the insider, trying to peel me and Burke off from the herd and Rider’s crew figured her out. Or she could have just quietly snapped, and what she told me and Copyright 2016 - 2024