Conspiracies (Mercedes Lackey) - By Mercedes Lackey Page 0,12

down there and their school records stamped “Tithed”? How could she explain any of this if he was so determined to deny what he’d seen with his own eyes? How could she make him see she wasn’t being crazy or paranoid, that all of her instincts were shouting at her that this wasn’t the end, it was only the beginning. What am I going to do if I have to do this all alone?

At the expression on her face, Loch’s softened a little. “Look, Spirit, I understand why you’re doing this. Your magic hasn’t developed yet and you feel like you’re the only normal kid in Super-Hero High. And you did get us all together and get us to see there was something wrong, and I know that had to feel pretty damn good. And it must have felt even better to face down those things without magic—and I’m not lying when I say if you hadn’t been there, we’d all be dead now. Nobody wants to take that away from you. But you have to accept that, well, you did win. It’s over. And trying to relive it and make it happen again so you don’t have to think about not having your magic yet is … it’s unworthy of you, Spirit. Just be patient. Your magic will show up soon enough. Meanwhile, it’s time to let go and stop trying to get attention and make yourself feel special by coming up with crazy conspiracy theories.” He smiled faintly. “We like you whether you have magic or not.”

He thinks this is all about me? That I’m just thinking of myself, and about not having magic? That this is all some sick way for me to try to get attention by crying wolf and making up imaginary enemies? She was so outraged by his accusation that for a moment her voice wouldn’t work.

“Is that what you really think?” she finally choked out. “That I’m acting out because I don’t have magic?” She stared hard into his eyes until he was the one who had to look away. “Well. Then what about this: Someone set up all those kids as sacrifices to the Hunt. It didn’t get here all the way from Ireland or Wales or whatever by itself. And someone opened the wards so it could get onto the school grounds. And whoever that was, we never found them. Do you think they’re going to stop now? Do you think the Administration can find them? What if it is the Administration—or some of it?”

“I—” It was Loch’s turn to be at a loss for words. “I don’t know—”

“Whoever called the Hunt has been doing it for years, Loch! And Doctor Ambrosius hasn’t figured out who they are, either! He would have stopped them a long time ago if he had!”

“We don’t know that—” Loch said weakly.

“Yes we do!” she snapped. “We know it had to be someone inside the school to take down the wards, because they were taken down and put back up—not broken. So—if you’re right, and the teachers are handling this and not telling us—who on the staff isn’t here anymore?”

“Uh … We wouldn’t notice someone gone from the kitchen or maintenance—” Loch said helplessly.

“Oh, give me a break,” Spirit said in contempt. “You think someone from the kitchen or maintenance is that good a magician? We don’t even know that any of them even are magicians—do we?”

He withered a little under her glare. “I— Um— Well—”

Now she was the one crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’—that the Housekeeping Staff aren’t magicians. And none of the teachers or the Admin staff have ‘left to pursue other opportunities’ in the last three days. So? Still think I’m creating crazy conspiracies to get attention?” It made her sick with anger to think he’d actually accused her of that.

“Look, just cut Addie and Muirin some slack,” he finally said. “It’s not like they—we—aren’t cutting you plenty.”

She started to snap back at him, then forced herself to nod. As much as it galled her to admit it, there was some justice in that. All four of them had put up with a lot from her since she’d arrived at Oakhurst. And she had to admit they’d all been on board with finding out what was hunting Oakhurst students and putting a stop to it.

“Having a good Monopoly game is making Addie happy. Stuffing herself with cookies and candy until she’s sick and babbling on about Copyright 2016 - 2024