Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,98

scarves. They snuggled together under the blankets holding mittened hands and observed the beautiful park with lights lining the paths and illuminating some of the trees. The large strong horse pulled the carriage slowly and steadily around the eight hundred plus acres. The methodical trot rhythmically created a cadence for their dialogue. Their noses and cheeks reddened in the cool air as they cuddled, talked, and enjoyed the incredibly romantic setting.

Tony gently held Claire’s mittened hand and spoke honestly with love, “Claire, you know I have dated many women.” She said she had read about some. “There have been women who have wanted to date me solely for my money, and I admit to taking advantage of that in the past.” His honesty had her full attention. “You know that I am a private person. Truly there are few people who have seen the real me. There are all sorts of psychological reasons for why I am the way I am. They probably stem from childhood and traumas early in life. But the past is that, and the reasons don’t matter. What matters is that unlike many of my business associates or acquaintances, you have met the real me.” That thought made her feel slightly uneasy. “There are sides to me that need subduing. Honestly I have never cared to try, but I do now. And I believe it is possible.”

Then while tenderly holding her hand and looking into her eyes, he asked, “Claire, the other night you asked if I cared about you. Honestly, with our initial arrangement I never intended to. But without a doubt, I do. Do you care about me? Do you enjoy being with me?”

Claire considered her answer. Honesty was the best policy, no matter the consequence. “Tony, I do care about you. I want you to be happy, and I would do anything to help that happen. And on a night like tonight, or even a quiet night at home, I enjoy being with you. More than enjoy.” She smiled and her emerald eyes glistened in the cold air. “But honestly, there are times I don’t. There are times I want you away from me, or vice versa.” She maintained eye contact and she watched for his reaction.

He smiled, kissed her long and hard. She kissed back. “You are the most amazing woman. I have vice presidents, presidents, and chairmen of boards who have never experienced me as you have. None of them would have the courage to answer that question as honestly as you just did.” She exhaled. “It is your strength and determination that have infuriated me. That strength and resilience has also made me fall in love with you.”

Perhaps it shouldn’t have been a shock, but it was. He said that he loved her. He had her complete attention and yet her internal monologue almost drowned out his voice: Love, really? He just said he loves me? Do I love him?

“Claire, I experienced life without you while you were ill. I don’t want to do that again. But I want you to make your own decision. Tonight I would like to present you with two options: your freedom, you may leave tonight and your debt is paid; or . . .” he removed a diamond solitaire ring from his jacket pocket, “you could agree to marry me and spend the rest of your life with me, not out of obligation or because of a contractual agreement, but because you want to be with me.”

Her heart beat rapidly and her lungs momentarily forgot to breathe. She stared at Tony and at the ring. With only the illumination of the streetlamps she could see the brilliant solitaire diamond. It was surrounded by a delicate diamond border with additional diamonds on the platinum band. She’d never seen anything so beautiful, and Tony was offering it to her.

Her mind couldn’t stop spinning. She knew she should answer, speak, say something, but words failed her. He continued, “You told me yesterday no more black boxes, so I took it out of its box.” He grinned. “Could we see if it fits?”

Claire nodded yes, and extended her left hand. Tony smiled at her as he removed the fuzzy mitten and placed the ring on her fourth finger. She was suddenly glad she had agreed to a manicure. “It seems to fit.” Tony looked into her emerald eyes. “The question still seems to be unanswered. Do you want to keep it on and stay with me? Will you Copyright 2016 - 2024