Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,151

her idea to go to the spa and lighten her dark roots. Brent and David Field, whom Claire had met what seemed like a lifetime ago on her first trip to New York, were with them as they flew to Chicago. Claire sat on the sofa while the three men discussed their impending meetings. To pass the time, she looked through her purse and was pleased to have her new ID and credit card. Claire didn’t care about their money, but shopping was one of the few pass times Tony granted without hesitation.

Her old driver’s license had been a Georgia-issued ID. She thought it was interesting to see how different states IDs looked. However, the variances didn’t stop with the issuing state; the new one contained her name, Claire Rawlings, and printed at the top was VALID IDENTIFICATION. Her Georgia ID had said VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE. She hadn’t noticed it before. It wasn’t something she should bring up with Brent and David present, but decided it was worth discussing when they were alone.

Claire spent the afternoon at the spa lightening her hair and receiving a manicure and pedicure. When she arrived back at the apartment, Charles informed Mrs. Rawlings that Mr. Rawlings would be detained until after nine. He could happily serve her dinner at a more appropriate hour; she declined. “Thank you, Charles, I’ll wait for Mr. Rawlings.”

While dining, Claire sensed Tony was multitasking. He was eating and conversing with her but his mind was elsewhere with Brent and David on some big deal. He talked about the next evening. Hopefully they would be able to go out to dinner and perhaps to a show. It all depended on his meetings. Claire said it sounded great, but she understood if his work went late. She planned to spend the entire next day shopping and knew they were scheduled to go home on Thursday.

As Claire contemplated the best way to bring up her question, Tony did it for her. “You are going shopping tomorrow? Did you see your new ID and credit card? They should be in your wallet.”

“I did. I was wondering why my ID isn’t a driver’s license.”

Tony momentarily stopped eating and looked at Claire as if she’d asked why is the sky blue or why do birds fly? It seemed as though the only word missing from his next sentence was Duh. “Because you don’t drive.” His tone wasn’t cruel, perhaps cold.

She thought carefully about her response. “I haven’t driven since I’ve been with you, but I used to drive and enjoy it.”

“You now have access to a driver. You didn’t before, correct?”

“Correct. However, you have a driver, and you still drive. The Simmonses have a driver and Courtney drives.”

Tony’s annoyance with this conversation came through loud and clear, his words were flat with restraint. “Claire, this is a ridiculous conversation. You have a driver or you are with me. You have no need to drive.”

“Tony, you are obviously busy with work. We can discuss this later.”

Throughout the past year there were numerous instances when Tony purposely baited Claire. He liked to observe her reactions. Initially it was done maliciously. It intrigued him to see how far he could push. Lately it had become a private game. He found her self-control and resilience incredibly sexy. The restraint she demonstrated to refrain from arguing, when clearly her body language screamed fight, was stimulating.

This evening Tony was not playing a game. His mind was set, Claire would not be driving. The fact they were even discussing the subject seemed absurd. “Let me help you, it has been a long day and this discussion is over, it does not need to be revisited.” She thought about saying, “Fine, and I am going to bed.” However, before she had the chance, he continued, “I would offer you the opportunity to decide on your own if it is worth continuing, but I have decided to not take that risk. It isn’t.”

Her chest expanded and contracted as she released a sigh. Looking at her husband, she kept her lips together and remained silent. He watched her neck stiffen and eyes flash. He waited.

After a prolonged silence, confident of her compliance, he continued. “Now tell me about your day at the spa.”

Claire did her best to feign enthusiasm, and reply, “It was very nice. They always do a great job and make me feel special.” Thinking, As opposed to how I’m feeling right now.

A wall of glass extended from ceiling to floor behind Tony. Copyright 2016 - 2024