Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,128

when he is with you. You are the light of his life. You have given Tony the part of his life that was missing. And as we look around, it is obvious that not a lot was missing.” There were smiles and agreement all around. “Now with you by his side, I believe my good friend is truly a man who has everything. Thank you, Claire. We are so happy to welcome you and we look forward to an eternity of a happier Tony Rawlings.” This precluded a standing ovation, lifting of glasses, and claps of agreement.

After they cut the cake and gently fed each other a bite, Claire chocolate and Tony white, the conductor fired up the jazz band. The music resonated soulfully, rhythmical and lively. The lights of the tent dimmed and the dance floor glittered with intensified brilliance. Tony led Claire onto the dance floor and they walked hand in hand. His eyes, the shade of melted chocolate, beheld his beautiful new wife. He regarded her with complete love and adoration. Suddenly, her doubts and fears faded away. He had the most amazing ability to dissolve her heart and soul. Gallantly he took her hand in his, encircled her small waist with his strong, powerful, yet tender embrace. Her body immediately molded to his. They moved in sync. He turned, twirled, and spun her around the floor. The bustled wedding gown swayed to his slightest inclination. They had only danced together a few times, but their bodies had moved together on numerous occasions. She became lost in his eyes, and without thought or consciousness he had complete control and dominance over every aspect of her being and every movement of her body. With each crescendo of the music Claire’s heartbeat accelerated. The guests surrounded the dance floor to watch the newlyweds waltz. Tony tall and dark, Claire petite and light, their contrast intensified the beauty and sensuality of the moment. It wasn’t until the music reached its final fermata that Claire noticed the gathered crowd. Up until that moment, her brilliant emerald green eyes could only see her husband. He gently kissed his bride, and the guests applauded. Claire blushed and smiled.

The band began again, and Tony charmingly bowed and asked Emily to dance. John nodded to Emily and extended his hand to Claire. Whispering in Claire’s ear, John said, “You are beautiful in love.” The four of them danced for a few minutes until the MC asked the guests to join them. Suddenly, the floor burst with couples.

Sometime after eleven Claire and Tony, no longer in their wedding attire, kissed their friends and family goodbye and said adieu to the others. They left to begin their honeymoon adventure. Once again, Claire was being led by Tony to an unknown destination.

After their flight reached its cruising altitude Tony began to seduce his wife. He caressed, kissed, and tantalized her. He told her in a raspy, sensual tone he loved her, how amazing she had been and she was. He also told her what she already knew. “Mrs. Rawlings, you are now mine, completely. You belong to me.”

Tomorrow is a mystery. Yesterday is history. Live today,

it’s a gift, that’s why they call it “present.”


Chapter 31

Claire awoke to the sensation of their plane decelerating on a runway. She’d been somewhere in a dream as her body lay upon the leather sofa wrapped in the soft cocoon of a luxurious blanket. The sudden increased roar of engines combined with the screech of brakes transported her to the present. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been asleep or if they’d reached their mysterious honeymoon destination. But she remembered the excitement in Tony’s eyes as he talked about their romantic journey. Willingly, she continued to allow herself to be taken to places unknown.

Looking down at her left hand, she saw the familiar engagement ring now with its new mate. Her wedding band glistened with embedded diamonds that matched the circle around the large solitaire. They were truly beautiful. Pondering the past nine months, it boggled her mind that she was wearing such an amazing set of rings and more importantly their meaning—she was married. She was married to Anthony Rawlings.

Slowly, she turned to see her husband. His bare feet elevated as he lounged in a reclining chair. Watching him, she marveled at his relaxed pose, a stark contrast to how he usually looked when they flew. His attention was focused on the laptop resting on his long legs. Her cheeks and the Copyright 2016 - 2024