Conscience - Cecilia London Page 0,96

a grin. “Way to cry all over your electronics.”

“My people are very emotional,” Caroline said defensively.

Kathleen gave her a quick hug. “Believe me, I know. Jen’s people are emotional too. You two need to learn to keep your shit together.”

Caroline stared down at the phone before tucking it back inside her suit jacket. Kathleen would leave her too, she just knew it. She had no reason to follow Caroline to the relatively small confines of the state capital, even if she was a Pennsylvania native.

“So, does this make me a state employee or what?” Kathleen’s voice brought her out of her reverie.

Caroline stared at her. “Huh?”

“You still need a chief of staff, right? Even with a different job title?”

She hadn’t really thought about that but instantly decided that if she needed to, she would push Jack until he agreed. “I guess so.”

“Do I have to submit my resume and shit, or ask you nicely?”

Caroline beamed. This was more than she had hoped for. “I’m really glad you don’t work that kind of language into my speeches. Asking nicely is fine. Maybe you should repeat your request, phrased a little differently, eh?”

Kathleen got on her knee in a mock proposal. “Your First Lady Highness, may I have the honor of serving as your chief of staff?”

She didn’t think she could feel any more elated than she already did, but Caroline was tempted to tackle her to the floor. She’d never been one to tactfully express her joy. “Of course,” she said. “But what about Liz?” Kathleen’s girlfriend still maintained an apartment in the District when she wasn’t traveling.

“We talked. Harrisburg isn’t that far from D.C. We’ll have weekends, and we’ll figure something out if it comes to it. She knows this is important to me.”

“You don’t-”

“You don’t get to talk me out of it.”

“I wasn’t. I was just going to say that if you needed to move on at some point, I’ll understand.”

“First off, you won’t understand, because you’re too damn attached to me, and second, we’re not talking about that now. Because it won’t happen.”

Kathleen’s devotion was too much. Caroline didn’t deserve such loyalty. “Has Liz managed to deal with your unrequited love for me?”

“Oh yeah. She thinks it’s kind of sexy.”

Caroline suspected it wasn’t quite that simple, but didn’t want to ruin the moment. “This is awesome,” she said.

Kathleen threw her arms around her. “Can’t break up a winning team so soon, right? We gotta shoot for the ten year mark at least. I assume that’s when you’ll start giving out bonuses like the rest of the world.”

Caroline ardently returned the hug. “Thanks, Katie. This pretty much caps off my night.”

“Well, I knew if you were going to miss Jen you’d miss me more, since I’m the more likeable of the two of us.”

Caroline kissed her cheek. “You and I are going to have a lot of fun causing trouble at the Governor’s Mansion.”

Kathleen smiled. “I can’t wait.”

* * * * *

Caroline and Jack said their goodbyes to the staffers and friends who gradually trickled out of the ballroom. They indulged themselves as the night wore on, as had just about everyone else who lingered until the early morning hours. Kathleen had already shuffled back to her room, mumbling something about a late check-out time. The girls were sound asleep in the suite next to theirs. Jack grabbed a final bottle of champagne as they headed for the elevator. The bartender looked happy, though. Folks in a celebratory mood tipped well.

Caroline took one last look behind them. Drink cups and decorations everywhere. “This place is a mess.”

“That’s why we gave them such a large deposit,” Jack said.

“Not our problem to worry about, I guess. Let’s go upstairs.” She waltzed into the elevator as soon the doors opened, spinning around to face him. “Wanna make out?”

Jack pulled her into his arms. “Fuck yes.”

She could feel the cold champagne bottle at the small of her back as he leaned in closer. “Cameras?” she murmured against his lips.

“Do you care?”

She tugged at his hair. “No.”

“We’re not moving,” Jack said.

“You need to hit the floor.”

He dragged her over to the side and pressed the button. “Good idea, sweetheart. You’re so smart.”

“That’s why you married me.”

He squeezed her ass with his free hand. “I married you for a lot more than that.”

So loquacious after a night when all he’d done was talk. She was surprised he still had a voice. “Shut up and kiss me,” she said.

Jack bit her bottom lip, granting her request. Copyright 2016 - 2024