To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,32

only their skirts on.”

“They’re kilts.” The word squeezed through his teeth.

Abby laughed. “Whatever.” She chuckled and felt him stiffen. “Now, as for the women we’re supposed to be discussing, who is it exactly you want me to advise you on.”

He looked over to where a group of ladies stood, some giggling into their hands and looking away shyly from the men, while others openly ogled them. “She’s from Clan Murray. Her name is Mary. I saw you talking to her after dinner last eve. What was she like?”

Abby looked to where the girl stood and shrugged. “I like her. A lot. She isn’t a simpering idiot like the Grant lass.” She could feel him staring at her, and she tried to ignore it before the extended silence got the better of her. “What?”

“You don’t like Aline?”

“No, I don’t. She’s as cold as Loch Ness in winter.” A cool breeze picked up, and she cuddled into him, seeking his heat. “I may not like you very much, either, but anyone as a wife would be better than her.”

He huffed out a breath, half laugh, half scoff, and looked back toward the women. “What else did you find out about Mary?”

“She seems learned. Her brother recently married and would like her to become someone else’s problem. She let it slip that he’s low on money, something to do with a land dispute.”

“She said all that to you after one night?”

The look of awe on his face made her smile. “Well, of course. You did ask me to scope them out and that’s what I’ve been doing. If you take an interest in people, eventually they open up and start blabbering about all sorts of things.”

“You seem to be doing a great deal of chattering now. So your summarization seems correct.”

“You’re such an ass.”

He laughed and walked toward Mary, the first woman he’d shown an interest in. As he greeted her, it was all smiles and easy conversation. Abby stood back and watched how the women all simpered around the very handsome Laird MacLeod. And he really was particularly nice to look at in his kilt and sporran. Somehow the colors of red and blue only highlighted his captivating eyes.

Eyes that reflected merriment and enjoyment. She hoped he wasn’t playing a part, a part that would end as soon as he married. Aline pushed her way into the conversation and clasped his arm. Abby’s eyes narrowed, not missing the way the little minx rubbed her breast against his arm, or how Aedan looked down at her with something akin to shock…or was it desire…

Well, it was a dangerous game he was playing, and women, more often than not, didn’t play fair when marriage to a wealthy laird was on the table. She smiled. The poor man was almost being led to the slaughter, and by her, no less.

“I see ye found my favorite Highlander and placed him in the bonniest circle in the Highlands.” A large hand clapped her shoulder, and she stepped forward to stop herself from falling over. “I’ve never met ye before, but I’d like to. I’m Benjamin Ross from clan Ross. Most people call me Black Ben.”

Abby looked up to the towering form of muscle, long black hair, and huge biceps. She felt her mouth pop open. Never had she seen such a huge guy. “I’m Abigail Cross. A distant friend of Laird MacLeod and his sister.”

He smiled, showing teeth stained with red and in need of a good cleaning. What had he been eating?

“Sure ye are, lass.” He called to Aedan. “Hey, boy. You forgot to greet me like the good host you’re supposed to be.”

Aedan turned and came over to the man, hugging him tightly, both of them clapping each other on the backs. Abby joined the women and let the men have their reunion in private. They spoke animatedly, laughing and talking at the same time.

“I see ye met Black Ben, Laird of Ross. He’s the best longbow shot north of the Scottish border. Tower of a man, but just as kind as Aedan MacLeod. They were both under the tutelage of my father from clan Scot for a few years.”

Abby smiled at the young woman. “I’m Abigail Cross, by the way. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. I’ve met so many people these last few days.”

The woman smiled in turn. “I’m Mae. ’Tis lovely to meet ye, Abigail.”

Aedan met her gaze across the short distance, his eyes taking in her form while the other gentleman Copyright 2016 - 2024