To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,103

a secluded tree and sat. Her view overlooked the flowing waterway that ran beside the castle. Picking at a bread roll, her thoughts were far from the beautiful view of the Highlands that stretched out before her. Aedan, always Aedan, consumed her mind.

“Gwen told me ye had returned. I had to see for myself what she said was true.”

Abby turned at the sound of a friendly, familiar voice. “Black Ben.” She laughed. “It’s great to see you again. What brings you back to Castle Druiminn?”

“My friend and his forthcoming wedding.” He sat and started to rummage through her small basket. “I dinna think to see ye again. I must declare, I’m happy that you’re here.”

“I wish I could say the same.” Abby poured some wine into her goblet and handed it to him. He downed it in one swallow. How stupid to think she could make a life in this time. She should’ve reminded herself how brutal this time was and stayed in the twenty-first century where she belonged. Not in this time, where marriages between clans moved at lightning speed and people you would’ve trusted with your life let you down.

“Ye not happy to be back, then? I thought ye’d be right pleased.”

“I thought I would be, too, but.” She shrugged. It was hard to find words for what she actually felt. Perhaps, there were no words for the despair she found herself in. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, actually. Everything’s buggered up.”

“I don’t know what ye mean by buggered, but I’m assuming it’s a derogatory term?”

Somehow, even in her depressed state, Ben managed to make her smile. “Yes, it is.” Abby covered her eyes, hoping that he’d not notice her crying. “He’s going to marry her.” A sob tore free, and Ben placed a comforting arm about her shoulders. She went willingly against, him, seeking comfort for a situation that wasn’t going to change, no matter how much she cried about it.

“Aye, mayhap he will.” He rubbed her arm. “Dinna fret, lass. All is not lost yet.”

Abby looked up at Ben, a flicker of hope igniting in her stomach. “What do you mean? Do you know something that I don’t?”

“Nay. But Aedan is as close as a brother to me, and I’ll not let him make such a mistake without some input into the matter first. Let me talk to him, and we’ll see.”

Abby clutched at his shirt, unable to wipe the smile from her lips. “You’d really help me. Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Ben.” She kissed his cheek and he chuckled.

“You missed, lass. My mouth is in the middle of my face.”

“Enjoying yourself, I see.”

Abby’s laughter died on her lips at the sound of Aedan’s deadly tone. She stood quickly and looked at Ben. He stood slowly, seemingly unfazed, and yet his eyes looked wary.

“We were eating some lunch. You’re more than welcome to join us, if you like,” she said.

Aedan pinned Ben with a lethal gaze, and she shivered.

“What is really going on here? Explain. Now.” Aedan placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and fear crept up her spine.

“Nothing, Aedan. We were just eating.”

“It looked like more than eating.” He did look at her then and she shrugged, not knowing what else to do. “If you’re accusing me and Ben of an illicit affair, you’re being an ass.”

“Ass? I watched ye kiss the man.”

A muscle worked in his jaw and Abby wanted to go to him, reassure him, and yet the thought of Aline halted her steps. “And in only a week or so I’ll watch you marry Aline. Seems like a fair trade off.”

“I’ll leave ye two alone.” Ben went to leave and Aedan pushed him back toward her. Abby grabbed his arm to steady him, which she didn’t do a very good job of when she stumbled instead.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Aedan?” She righted herself, glaring at him.

Ben smiled before letting out a roar and charging Aedan. Shocked mute by the sight of Aedan and Ben pummelling each other, rolling all over the ground, it took Abby a couple of seconds to realize she should do something.

“Stop!” She attempted to pull Ben back, but only managed to fall over as Aedan rolled Ben under himself and started thumping him with sickening thuds.

“Aedan, stop!” But they didn’t, just continued to brawl on the ground. Looking about for a container, she spotted the basket. It wasn’t waterproof, but it would hold water for a Copyright 2016 - 2024