Connections in Death (In Death, #48)- J. D. Robb Page 0,29

conquered. When his release came, it slashed like blades to open him, to empty him.

He nearly staggered, had to brace a hand to the wall, pin Eve there with his body to keep them both upright. Then he gave that up, just slid both of them to the floor of the shower and tried to catch his breath.

Steam puffed and plumed. Jets of water sliced through the thickened air and rained down on them. He should turn that off, he thought idly as Eve sprawled over him.

“Maybe you do have some new pervy games.”


“Some shower.”

He managed a laugh. “We’ll have to get up and out of it at some point.”

“It feels good.”

She nestled her head in the curve of his shoulder, as if—he thought—she intended to bed down right there for the night. “Do you know how to cook a frog?”

“Why would anybody want to cook a frog? And you don’t cook anyway.”

“You put it in a pot of water, and turn the heat on very low. The water heats, but it’s a gradual thing, so the unfortunate frog doesn’t try to get out of the pot because it doesn’t realize it’s being slowly boiled to death until it’s done.”

Her brows drew together. “You’ve cooked a frog?”

“It’s an analogy. Right now we’re the frog, and in this case, I’d say we’re gradually being steamed to death. So.”

He managed to shift her, to get them both sitting up. Then he smiled. “Wet’s one of my favorite looks on you.” He leaned over to kiss her between the eyes. “Jets off.”

They pulled each other up. Eve stepped out and into the drying tube. Roarke grabbed a towel.

She eyed him through the warm whirl of air. “We have good sex, right?”

He glanced over, watched the air send her short chop of hair flying. “I think we just confirmed that.”

“Right.” She stepped out, walked back into the bedroom.

When he came out, she’d pulled on a sleep shirt, had pulled back the duvet in an attempt to dislodge the cat—who ignored her.

So she crawled in, giving the sprawling lump of cat a solid nudge toward Roarke’s side. Roarke lifted an eyebrow, solved the matter by hauling Galahad up, and dumping him at the foot of the bed.

Sliding in, he hooked an arm around Eve, drew her back to him.

“We even have, like, adventurous sex.”

“Again, just confirmed. What’s in that mind of yours?”

“I figure people can do whatever they want, sex wise, as long as everybody’s an adult and willing. As long as nobody ends up on a slab. But . . .”

She turned over, and since he hadn’t yet called for lights off, looked him in those eyes again. “I’m never going to whack your balls with a shock stick to get you off.”

“It’s difficult to find the proper words to express my gratitude for that.”

“Okay. And I don’t want you clamping any weird toys on my nipples.”

“I can agree to that.”

“Okay then. We’re good.”

“We’re very good.” He kissed her again. “Lights out.”

“I’m not eating frog, either.”

“Off the menu. Go to sleep.”

He smiled into the dark, stroking her back until he felt her drift off. And thought again they were very good.


When she woke, Roarke, in his usual spot in the sitting area, was watching the financial reports on mute. The cat was sleeping in front of the fire that simmered low.

She smelled coffee and thought the scent, the view of Roarke in one of his business god suits, and the cat snoring by a low fire equaled a pretty solid way to wake up.

She rolled out of bed, headed straight to the AutoChef because the smell of coffee wasn’t enough.

“Good morning.”

She gulped coffee, glancing toward the window. “Might be. Nothing’s falling out of the sky yet.”

“And not forecasted to,” Roarke told her. “You should be cheered to know the forecast included a good hint of spring. It’s a chilly start, but due to climb into the sixties this afternoon.”

“Huh.” That perked her up nearly as much as the coffee.

“And as they’re calling for a few days, at least, of this warming trend, they’ll start excavation on the pond today.”

“‘The pond’?” It took her a minute to remember the walk they’d taken on the grounds months before. Somehow they’d decided to put in a little pond, picked the spot. “We’re really doing that?”

“It’ll be pleasant, won’t it, when spring decides to come and stay awhile to wander out and sit by the water.”

“Yeah, it will. When does the whole thing about March happen?”

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