Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,60

in the doorway, nodding into the office.

Kenzie pasted her most professional smile in place and took a seat across from the other woman’s desk. Her gut sank further at the sound of a latching door behind her. It needed to be a private meeting, she knew that, but it still made her nervous.

“I’ve got an entire plan to correct this.” The words tumbled past Kenzie’s lips the moment Greta was seated. “It’s based largely on the emergency contingency we outlined. I’ll get counter posts out immediately, explanations, I can have a formal proposal in front of you in sixty minutes, and—”

Greta held up a hand, cutting her off. “I have someone else working on that already based on the plans you’ve laid out in the past. We have more important things to discuss.”

“Someone else is working my contract?” Kenzie frowned. It was what she’d wanted just a couple of hours ago, but she’d wanted it on her terms. This wasn’t right.

Greta wouldn’t meet her gaze, attention focused on her computer instead. “The client requested you be removed. Not that we could have let you stay on given the situation. We’ve also pulled you out of the rotation for any new jobs.”

Rinslet had already fired her? Kenzie’s stomach threatened to revolt. And she was being suspended. That wasn’t fair. She hadn’t even been given a chance to make it right. “Can I ask why?”

Greta glanced at her, eyebrow raised. “Really? This isn’t about the client’s image, it’s about ours. We don’t cross that line. I thought you of all people understood that. You were even warned.”

“I didn’t—” The denial froze in her throat; she couldn’t make herself say it. She couldn’t force out the insistence that it wasn’t what it looked like. “I can fix it. Just give me a chance.” She heard and hated the pleading in her own voice, but she couldn’t let this get away from her.

Greta locked her gaze on her. “I need to know, is it what it looks like?”

Of course it was. Hell, it was so much more. But could she throw away her entire career for that? On the other hand, could she deny how she actually felt? What if Scott didn’t feel the same way? She just knew she couldn’t deny it. Even thinking about doing that made her ill.

Greta sighed. “You’re being audited. All of your accounts, all of your interactions. You won’t be given any new jobs until a determination is made. I know this isn’t like you, so I don’t know what happened. I’m hoping your record will speak for itself and give me some leeway, but it may not be my decision in the end. You’re a well-known face for this company, and he’s a well-known face in his industry, and with those photos out there, the general public knows one of our people crossed a very distinct line.”

Kenzie stared at her clenched hands resting in her lap, knuckles white. She felt like a child being scolded. Her voice was quiet. “I understand.”

Chapter 18

Kenzie lay on her side, staring at her clock and watching the minutes tick away. Seven a.m.



She should get out of bed. Dress, get ready for the day. But for what? She didn’t even know. She didn’t have any meetings. May never have another meeting again.

She rolled her eyes at a knock on her bedroom door. “Go away.”

Riley poked her head in the room. “I haven’t seen you for days. Are you avoiding me? Oh geez, Kenz, what’s wrong?”

The mattress shifted with the weight of a new body.

Kenzie sighed and rolled over, looking up at her sister sitting next to her, back against the headboard, studying her with concern.

“Nothing’s wrong.” Kenzie’s lie came out as a dry croak.

Riley raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Liar.”

Kenzie pulled her comforter over her head. It was stifling under the covers, but she didn’t want to face anyone. “Go away.”

Riley yanked the blankets back. “No.”

Kenzie glared at her, eyes narrow, trying to pour as much irritation into the expression as she could.

Riley stared back, not blinking.

Kenzie shook her head and rolled onto her side again, back to her sister. “I’m not talking about it.”

Silence. Kenzie almost looked, but she resisted the urge to see what her twin was up to.

“Then I’ll guess.” Riley said. “It couldn’t be because of the work thing because who would be upset about not having to work and still getting paid for it?”

Kenzie flopped back over, glaring at her sister. “I don’t get paid when I Copyright 2016 - 2024