Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,55

your boots, my queen? Because I’m fully prepared to do so.”

She finally faced him again, panic heavy in her blue eyes and stern expression gone. “Oh, gawd, I can’t believe I let Riley talk me into this. Everyone in there was staring. I should have worn something else. Something less … let-my-assets-hang-out.”

“Whoa.” He forced his hand to stay by his side, worried if he reached for her he wouldn’t be able to stop. “You look amazing, you’re wearing more than half the people in there, and you’re blending. I swear.”

She scowled. “I saw Hank Cartee in there. You didn’t tell me he was going to be here.”

He gave her what he hoped was an apologetic smile. “I didn’t think about it. Consider this your warning, he’ll be at pretty much anything that’s industry-wide.”

Her brow creased, adding a new layer of haunting to the regal costume. “How many more of these do you think I’ll be attending?”

Her implication that she either didn’t want to be there or didn’t want to be spending time with him—he wasn’t sure which—stung, and he tried to hide it. “As many as I can get away with. I like having you here, and I’ll keep you on retainer if that’s what it takes.”

She put more space between them, mouth twisted in irritation. “I’m not Julia Roberts. My job isn’t to attend fancy parties with you.”

Shit, she’d taken the compliment wrong.

“I know, and I didn’t mean to imply. You’re not, it’s true. You’re far more attractive, and I suspect infinitely more intelligent. Also, if we’re making Pretty Woman references, I’m Julia Roberts, and you’re grooming me so no one knows I’m a whore.” He grinned big.

She let out a small laugh, and her entire frame relaxed. “You’d never pull off that mini with suspenders.”

“I might could, you never know.” He wanted to lean in and kiss the concern away. Ease the stress from around her lips. He stepped closer.

“Miss Carter.” Hank Cartee’s voice cut through the night. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Scott stepped back instead. Kenzie’s back went straight, and her impassive mask slammed back into place. “It’s for a good cause. I have to keep an eye on my male.” She nodded at Scott, her posture, tone, and language indicating she was role playing again as the dominant character she’d dressed as.

Hank didn’t even glance in Scott’s direction, eyes locked on her chest. He finally looked at her face. “Of course. And you do know how to make an entrance. Listen, I’ll let you two get back to discussing business soon—though don’t do it too much, this is a party, right?” He laughed, though no one else did.

Scott’s hands clenched into fists, but he kept them hidden behind his back, not having a reason to interrupt.

“Anyway.” Hank took Kenzie’s fingers between his, and kissed her knuckles. “You look amazing, my dear, and I had to come out here and let you know, and also apologize for how I acted when we met. It was inappropriate. I know you must be incredible at what you do to have made this kind of impact, and I never should have implied otherwise.”

Kenzie’s stern expression wavered, and she pulled her hand away. “Of course. Water under the bridge, Mr. Cartee. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back inside.”

Hank held the door open for her, still never looking directly at Scott, and let it swing shut behind them.

Scott stood in the night air for several minutes after they were gone, breathing deep and trying to remember not to hyperventilate. He pushed back his fury at Cartee and the very visible reaction he’d had to Kenzie. Great, he was a kid again who couldn’t even control a hard-on. Fantastic.

* * * *

Kenzie stood near the back of the room, shifting her weight from one foot to another. Standing up straight made her heels ache, but fidgeting didn’t solve the problem. She desperately wanted to step out of the torture devices masquerading as shoes. She sipped her water and watched as item after item sold to the highest bidder.

It made her smile that so many people were into the evening. Or at least, now that the novelty of snapping pictures of everyone in their costumes had worn off and she had some peace, it made her smile.

She’d mingled a little, but this wasn’t the kind of affair she was used to. Scott was in his element. Every time she caught a glimpse of him, he was laughing and Copyright 2016 - 2024