Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,41


A snort of laugher slipped out. “I’m sorry.” She bit back her amusement. “I can’t help it. A black-skinned, dominant elf in a chainmail bikini.”

“Yes.” Indignation rang heavy in his voice. “You can’t laugh that hard if you know what I’m talking about.”

She shook her head. “Riley plays. A drow, really?”

“What about you? Is this your first time?”

She shouldn’t let him redirect the conversation, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment. “No to the masturbation, yes to the phone sex.”

“So another first for me.” He didn’t sound smug the way she’d expected.

The heat that had finally started to dissipate from her body flooded back in. “Maybe.” She swallowed the rest of her comment, not wanting to inflate his ego by telling him just his voice was sending chills through her. On second thought, screw reservation. “It’s a shame you’re not here.”

“So you could tease me to my face?”

She winced at the hint of seriousness in his joke. “So I could curl up against you and fall asleep.” Her words were faint, even to her own ears, but she felt a flood of warm relief having said it out loud.

“I like that idea.”

Another pause hung between them, but this time she didn’t feel any panic, as though she needed to fill the void. She’d never felt so exposed before, but at the same time she felt completely comfortable and safe.

“So.” He broke the silence again, voice still low and deep. “Now will you answer my question?”

She hadn’t answered enough? Her brow furrowed. “Which was?”

“What are you wearing?” he asked again. “To the investor dinner tomorrow night,” he added.

Oh. Her blush deepened when she realized the last half hour had been built off that one misunderstanding. And she didn’t regret it for a second. “Why?”

“Maybe. Why. Maybe. Why. You need some new words,” he teased. “It’s a surprise. I don’t need details or anything, just a color. Black? Red?”

Red at an investor dinner? Tacky. The vagueness made her curious, but he wasn’t going to spill unless he wanted to, so there was no reason to push. “Yes, black.”

“Sounds stunning. See you tomorrow night.”

She turned her head to the side, knocking her earpiece out, and stared at the phone on her nightstand. What was that about? Any of it. Her pulse sped up every time another snippet of the conversation replayed in her head, bringing a new revelation with it. She was falling for him. The thought warmed every inch of her until she remembered this was supposed to be a strictly physical relationship. Damn it.

Chapter 12

Kenzie stood with her sister just out of most people’s view at the edge of the room, watching guests mingle pre-dinner. Some were already staking out tables, others gathered near the bar or in small clumps, chatting and gossiping.

Boredom was already sinking into Riley’s expression as she smoothed invisible wrinkles from a red dress that was almost too short to be acceptable. “Ritzy. Dull.”

Kenzie rolled her eyes and handed her keys to her sister. “I’m so glad I trust you to behave. Hold my keys until after dinner?”

Riley dropped them in a satin handbag that matched her dress and let the wristlet dangle. “Why aren’t you carrying a purse? You have five billion black ones.”

“None looked right.” Kenzie had fidgeted in front of the mirror for hours as it was. She’d tried to tell herself it was because this was an extraordinarily important night for a client. Part of her knew it was because she wanted to look good for Scott.

“You know,” Scott’s smooth voice right next to her ear startled her, “I don’t usually like women who wear all black, but the way you do it is just so sexy.”

A warm tremor ran through her, and her pulse increased. She bit back a smile and spun to face him. “You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

“I might once it gets old. If it gets old.” He was wearing a suit she’d never seen before. An actual tuxedo, bow tie, cummerbund, the works.

She ran her fingers along the edge of his lapels “Is this real silk?”

He shrugged. “You really do look amazing. Is this Riley?”

Riley’s gaze raked over him, appraising, a smirk replacing her boredom, and she stuck out her hand. “Are you the wallet?”

Kenzie had to fight the urge to slap her forehead.

Scott just laughed and returned the handshake. “I suppose. Do you mind if I borrow your dinner date for a moment?”

Riley shrugged, mischief still dancing on her face. “Suit yourself. I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024