Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,38

it was because she didn’t think he was capable of admitting when he was wrong—that was easier than admitting he might not be the only one regretting what they’d said. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I am worried about it. I promised you we’d keep the professional and physical separate, and I violated that trust.”

She appreciated the unique combination of conceit and self-effacing humor he radiated without trying. Was she actually enjoying this conversation? Crap. “It’s done and over, and as long as we’re more careful about where we are when we step from one role to the other—as long as the line doesn’t blur again—it’s all good.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” His voice returned to normal, a hint of familiar joking sliding back in. “You know what else I’m glad to hear?”

She furrowed her brow. “No?”

“That I can finally take off this freaking tie. For the record, these things drive me nuts.”

He’d actually dressed up; she was impressed. Still, she had to give him a hard time for complaining about something most people did by default. “Poor baby had to be professional for a couple hours today? Too bad I’m not there, or I could help you into something less restrictive.” Damn it, why had she said that?

His throaty laugh sent a pleasant tremor through her, erasing the lingering strands of her irritation. “So not to change the subject, because I could listen to you talk all night about undressing me, but are you bringing anyone tomorrow?”

The way he’d slid into the flirting and out again without a pause heightened the tingles moving over her skin. No reason to let him know that. “I was thinking I’d invite that guy I met at the bar the other night.”

“I, uh…” He trailed off. “High-heels guy? Because, really?”

So he wasn’t completely in control of the conversation. She smirked even though he couldn’t see it. “No, not really. My sister.”

“The twin?”

“She’s the only sister I’ve got.” She cringed when more of the bar conversation filtered through her thoughts. “You’re not one of those guys with creepy twin fantasies, are you?”

“Maybe.” He quickly added, “No, not really. I’m kind of vanilla like that. Incest doesn’t do it for me.”

The reassurance settled deep. Should she be enjoying this conversation so much? “Vanilla. Right. Because sex in a dressing room is tame.”


She paused, waiting for more, disappointment and embarrassment flitting through her when she realized they were suffering awkward silence syndrome. She needed something witty to say.

“So.” His voice startled her. “What are you wearing?”

The question caught her off guard. “T-shirt and panties.” Crap, why had she blurted that out? Why had he asked? She struggled to correct herself. “I just got home, and you called before I finished changing.”

“Not at all what I meant, but it sounds a lot more fun than what I’m wearing. Maybe I should strip down so we match. Only seems fair, right? Less awkward?”

Fantastic logic. She wanted to be bothered by it, but she couldn’t keep the grin from her face as teasing fantasies tripped through her thoughts. “Yes. You stripping down to your boxers so we can have a less awkward phone conversation sounds completely reasonable.”

“You’re not convincing me.” A hint of teasing wove into his voice. “If you’d prefer, I could tell you if I was there, I’d strip your shirt off.” His voice dropped an octave. “Run my lips over your neck. Slide my hands up your sides.”

She was grateful her bedroom window was open a crack because the flush flooding her entire body was raising the temperature by several degrees. She had been the one to demand they tone things down. She should change the subject. Except she didn’t want to. It wasn’t like anyone could take pictures of this. “Really?” Her question came out sultry and breathy. “Then what?”

There was a long pause. “Hello?” she asked.

“Sorry, I was trying to decide if this is a good idea.” Something unrecognizable tinged his response. Disappointment, maybe?

She sighed. She didn’t want the conversation to end, but his pause had given her time to think. After the lecture she’d given him the day before, she didn’t have any right to play like this.

“Then again.” His smooth tone beat back her weak hesitation. “You’re still here, I’m still here, and no one’s watching.”

“I don’t have anywhere else to be.” One more time wouldn’t hurt, right? Especially since they weren’t even in the same room. Anticipation was already pulsing through her at how wicked the entire thing was.

“Is that an invitation?” He Copyright 2016 - 2024