Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,30

him to push her against the wall and kiss her, and make her have to bite back screams, and … she forced the thoughts away.

His thumb traced under her eye, and his voice dropped in volume. “Your makeup’s smudged. Are you sure you’re all right?”

She covered his hand with hers, meaning to push him away, but lingering instead. “I’m fine, I promise.” Her pulse hammered in her ears, making it difficult to hear anything but him.

He pulled away, palm brushing her shoulder and sending a tremor through her as he dropped his arm. “We should probably get back.”

But he didn’t move.

“Probably.” Neither did she. There was something hidden in his brown eyes she wanted to dive into and discover. What was it?

“There you two are.” Hank’s brash announcement startled her. “Making out in a dark corner, really?”

Kenzie’s fury returned full force. Apparently she didn’t have it as under control as she thought. She backed away. “I should get back.” But Hank had blocked them in.

“I knew you were high school, McAllister, but even a virgin newb knows you don’t get to kiss the escort on the lips.” Hank’s insult carried, echoing off plaster. “I should have known you weren’t taking this seriously, but paying someone to pretend so you don’t have to actually follow through, and you can’t even wait for your happy ending until you get home?”

Kenzie’s hands clenched into fists, and a string of exactly what she thought of this snake rushed to the tip of her tongue. But the vulgarities never got a chance to spill out.

Scott grabbed Hank’s jacket near the shoulder and swung him into the wall with a quiet thunk. “I assure you, I’m taking this very seriously.” Scott’s voice was a low growl, barely audible above the clatter of silverware against plates from the nearest table, but the threat was unmistakable.

Hank’s eyes were wide. “I’d suggest you let go. This suit is worth more than your car.”

Scott snorted. “I really doubt that. But it doesn’t matter how much money you have.” Every word was spoken through gritted teeth, none meant for any ears but theirs. “It doesn’t give you a right to talk to anyone like that, especially my people.” His grip tightened, knuckles growing pale when Hank struggled to break away. “Just because you find your women on the corner of Ventura doesn’t mean everyone does, and if you ever call anyone who works for me a whore again, the threat of assault charges that are keeping me from breaking your nose won’t be a deterrent.”

Hank’s upper lip pulled into a sneer. “I’m surprised it’s stopping you now. Control isn’t your strong suit.”

Scott let go, hand clenching into a fist and drawing back for a hook. Hank backed away quickly, almost tripping over his feet.

“The night is over, McAllister. I’ll be talking to the board tomorrow.” Cartee’s back was straight, shoulders back as he headed for the exit, but he moved like the hounds of hell were on his heels.

“Thank you.” Kenzie’s voice was quiet, her hammering heart making it difficult to speak.

Scott just shook his head and pushed away. As she followed him to the table, she couldn’t help but notice no one was watching them. Conversations were happening as if a fist fight hadn’t almost broken out just a few feet from their seats. All that, and he’d still managed to keep it quiet. That man was such an enigma.

Zach half rose as they approached. “Did I miss something?”

Scott inhaled sharply. “Yes. I’m bailing. Call me.”

“Wait.” Kenzie reached for him but dropped her hand at his troubled expression. The conflicted hurt, confusion, anger, and frustration must have mirrored her own, and she didn’t know if she was ready to face her own ambivalence, let alone his.

He followed the same path as Hank, disappearing outside in a matter of seconds.

Kenzie sank into her chair as everything caught up with her and her legs gave out.

Zach pointed at a plate of stuffed mushrooms. “Help yourself.”

How could he be so calm? Oh, right, because he didn’t know what had happened. She knocked back her white wine, finishing the entire glass in a single swallow.

That made him raise an eyebrow. “What did I miss?”

Gawd, how was she supposed to explain what had happened? The words spilled out, jumbled and abrupt. “He called me a whore, and Scott threatened to deck him, and he said he was assembling the board.”

Zach’s lips drew into a thin line, and he sighed. “I’m sorry.”

He looked as torn as Copyright 2016 - 2024