Conflict of Interest - By Allyson Lindt Page 0,28

the board’s edict.

Zach joined him on the sidewalk outside the restaurant, looking him up and down with a raised eyebrow. “What did you do, buy a suit at Nordstrom?”

They always met about ten minutes before business dinners to make sure they were both on the same page. Scott shrugged. “I’m just doing what my keeper tells me.”

Zach shook his head. “Right. A department store suit is the way to do this right?”

Scott smirked. His best friend had the same appreciation for the European suits that Scott did, but sometimes Zach was too much of a snob about the whole thing. Scott ran his thumbs under the lapels of the double-breasted jacket. “Kenzie picked it. She’s proud of herself.”

Zach didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t say anything else. Instead, he nodded toward the parking lot. “Speaking of.”

She was strolling toward them in heels that put her at eye level with Scott. Her black dress hugged her curves and flared out at the hips, ending just below the knees. A shrug topped her outfit off, ending below her breasts and making the outfit look professional but alluring. He hoped she was wearing stockings like the other day. The memory was enough to add a layer of ambivalence to his dread about the night ahead. Something inside still ached when he remembered how she’d pulled away abruptly after they’d finished in the dressing room.

Zach let out a soft whistle. “Damn.”

Scott elbowed him. “Keep it down.” But he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her hair was pulled back, with just a few strands left loose in soft ringlets to frame her face. Her blue eyes locked on his as she drew within earshot, and she flashed him a quick smile before ducking her head and turning away.

“What’s she doing here?” Scott’s question was barely a whisper.

Zach smirked at him. “She’s our insurance policy. Proof that we’re doing what Cartee wanted.”

“Gentlemen.” Kenzie extended her hand, greeting Zach first and then Scott. She kept her distance from both, and her voice was cool and calm.

“Ah, the men of the hour.” A booming voice bounced off asphalt.

Scott hid his wince and pasted a grin in place as Hank Cartee approached. The other man was several inches shorter, but just as broad-chested as Scott, and carried himself like he was the only person in a room. His blond hair was thinning on top, but he’d grown it long enough to comb it over, insisting it was surfer trendy. Scott didn’t even know what that meant.

“And who is this stunning young lady?” Hank’s gaze raked over Kenzie, lingering several seconds on her chest and never quite making it to her face.

“Mackenzie Carter, publicity.” She shook his hand. Her smile had cooled several degrees, Scott noted with a hint of satisfaction.

The four continued to chat as they made their way inside and were seated. Or rather, three of them chatted and Scott watched, reminded more with every passing second why he wasn’t fond of Hank.

“So you’re shaping that dipshit into something presentable, are you?” Hank had taken the chair next to Kenzie and angled it toward her. His arms rested on the edge of the table, gaze locked just below her neck.

Hypocritical asshole. For a moment—as he frequently did during these meetings—Scott wished he still drank. He focused on his water and hoped he could be polite when appropriate.

“No.” Kenzie turned away from him, watching the table even though she was still answering his question. “But Mr. McAllister has been great to work with. It’s almost like he knows all of this already, and he’s just tolerating me.”

Scott nearly choked on his drink as his eyes met hers across the table. There was no way she’d figured that out. The flat expression on her face told him no, she hadn’t. She was just playing the part.

“Maybe when you’re done with him, we could have you do more for the rest of the company. I’m sure you’ve got a couple of things you could teach me.” Hank brushed his hand over hers, reaching for the bread basket.

Scott couldn’t do this. Ten minutes into dinner and he already wanted to punch the asshole in the face. He pushed back quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a call to make before things get too hectic overseas.”

Kenzie’s eyes grew wide for a moment before her icy mask slipped back into place. Zach gave him a warning look.

Hank waved a dismissive hand. “You do what you Copyright 2016 - 2024