Confessing to the Cowboy - By Carla Cassidy Page 0,47

“For the first time in my life I’m not afraid of you learning about my past, I don’t have any more secrets that could destroy me.”

As she gazed up at Cameron, she knew he was going to kiss her and she wanted it...she wanted him. She’d wanted him so badly, for so long, but had been too afraid to get close, too afraid he’d discover that she was a murderer. Now there was no secret keeping her from him and as his lips touched hers, she welcomed his kiss and melted closer into him.

It was crazy, it was the beginning of the breakfast rush in the café, but Mary had no desire to leave this room, this man who now held her with such command, yet who kissed her so tenderly.

He pulled her closer and she leaned into him, close enough that she could tell he was aroused and she wanted him in her bedroom, beneath her sheets where she’d dreamed about him so many times in the past eight years.

The kiss seemed to last forever, an explosion of want that had been building for what seemed like an eternity. Cameron kissed far better in real life than in her fantasies, his lips a sweet combination of tenderness and demand.

It was he who broke the kiss, dropping his hands from around her waist and stepping back from her. His eyes were a deep golden hue with green flecks that sparked like emeralds.


“I want you, Cameron,” she said hurriedly, before the spell between them was broken, before his eyes lost the aching want that filled their deepest depths. “I’ve wanted you since the first time you entered the café and hung your hat on the wall, the first time I took your breakfast order, but I’ve been afraid to follow through because of what you might find out about me.”

His gaze flared even hotter at her words. “But maybe this isn’t the best time for you to be acting on those feelings.” Although he said the right words, as far as she was concerned there was no better time than this moment.

“Matt’s in school, the café can run just fine without me and there’s no better time than now.” With an energized desire rushing through her she reached out and took his hand in hers and pulled him toward her bedroom door.

The last time she’d had sex with a man it had been a night that Jason had taken her roughly, with only his need to dominate and control in mind, with only his own desires in charge.

She knew with Cameron it would be different and no matter what the future held, she wanted the tall, solid lawman to hold her in his arms, to make love to her and show her what making love could be.

He didn’t stop her from pulling him forward and when they entered her bedroom he once again took her in his arms and kissed her with enough emotion that it nearly stole her breath away.

His hands tangled in her hair and she once again wound her arms around his neck, pressing herself into the solid strength of him. “I won’t lie to you, Mary. I’ve thought about this—about being with you—for years,” he whispered into her ear. His warm breath coupled with his words shot a wave of warmth through her.

This time when she stepped away from him it was to pull her T-shirt over her head. There were no thoughts of the café or murders, no worries about arrest or anything else. All her thoughts were of Cameron and making true the fantasies she’d had about being in his arms.

As she pulled off her T-shirt and tossed it to a chair next to the bed, Cameron stared at her for a long moment. “You’re just as beautiful as I ever imagined,” he said, his voice husky, and then his big fingers fumbled frantically at his shirt buttons.

They undressed like two teenagers, frenzied with the fear of discovery, of interruption. The morning sunshine streaked through her window. Cameron clothed was amazing, but Cameron undressed was like a statue of a Greek god. His broad shoulders emphasized his slender waist and hips. His skin glistened with a faint bronze hue that made her want to touch him all over.

While he took off his socks, she slid beneath the blankets on the bed, her heart rapping a rhythm she scarcely remembered. He joined her in the bed and, as he gathered her in his arms, she felt Copyright 2016 - 2024